How does the MTN Zigi Chatbot Work?

How does the MTN Zigi Chatbot
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Earlier this month, I began receiving text messages from a sender labeled “ZIGI.” The content of these messages read as follows: “Hello, do you have any issues with Mobile Money or require assistance? Experience convenient customer support through our enhanced WhatsApp Assistant, Zigi, at 0772123100.” This caught me off guard, and I entertained the possibility that this might be one of the tactics employed by scammers attempting to deceive me into revealing information to gain unauthorized access to my MTN mobile money account. Subsequently, I took the initiative to reach out to MTN via Twitter. A representative from MTN confirmed that the messages were indeed being sent by MTN. This assurance prompted me to gather comprehensive details about Zigi and familiarize myself with the functionality of the MTN chatbot. Here is everything that you need to know;

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About MTN Zigi Chatbot and How it Works?

Zigi is a brand-new digital personal assistant by MTN engineered to address queries, facilitate product and service activations about MTN. The bot is programmed to give automated answers and solutions to all customer’s queries via WhatsApp and with the need for further assistance the chatbot will connect customers to an MTN customer support personnel. Zigi’s language proficiency is currently set to English, making text-based interactions the preferred mode of communication.

As of now, customers can only access the Chatbot via WhatsApp. Therefore to get started with MTN Zigi Chatbot you need to have WhatsApp on your device. Now once that is sorted, follow the guide below;

  • Add Zigi’s number- 0772123100 to your contact list so you can be able to text them via WhatsApp. Alternatively, you can use this link to chat with Zigi without saving the contact
  • Once you have launched a chat with Zigi, share your query and you will receive an automated response immediately. If you require agent assistance, tell Zigi and you will be referred to a customer agent.

Wrap-up: MTN Zigi, while a promising new system, still requires substantial refinement. Currently, automated responses from the chatbot are unavailable. Upon sending a message, a pop-up appears with the greeting “Y’ello, I’m Zigi. How can I assist you?” You then have the option to proceed by selecting either chatting with a human agent or exiting the chat. Opting for agent assistance involves a brief wait as the transfer takes place. In my personal experience, I received a response from an agent in just 3 minutes, which I consider to be quite impressive.

How does the MTN Zigi Chatbot
A screenshot of my chat with MTN Zigi- the red marks confirm the time stamp.