Here’s a List of Underrated iPhone Features.

Underrated iPhone Features. - UgTechMag.Com
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Apple iPhones are the most popular phones world over with apple being the biggest smartphone vendor. The implication, easy- a lot of people owning the iPhones. However, this does not translate to the ability to use the different features and functionalities that come with these high end phones. This article seeks to equip you with a few underused and unfamiliar iPhone features to help you get the most out of that phone and identify as a true power user;

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Back tap

This is an accessibility feature through which you double or triple tap the back of your iPhone and perform various iOS system functions, trigger shortcuts, scroll gestures and other accessibility features such as app switch, taking screenshots, summoning Siri, mute etc. The feature can be used through a phone case, on the home screen, lock screen or inside any app with the only limitation being an off/locked screen. This feature works for iPhone X to newer versions.

Text undo

This comes in handy when someone is typing on their keyboard and wish to undo whatever they have typed. Apple has a few gestures outside of the traditional delete and these are;

Shake; this gesture is exactly as is. You simply shake your iPhone to delete a text. Upon shaking, an “Undo Typing” prompt will show on the screen and selecting undo will do just that. Alternatively, another solution to undo is the finger swipe gesture. Move three fingers from right to left on your phone screen to delete what you had typed and swiping left to right will redo the changes.

Mail drop

This is an inbuilt feature that makes it easy to transfer large files from the phone. Mail drop uploads the file to iCloud and sends the recipient a link through which to download the file. The file will be downloadable whether with an android or windows operating system. It is triggered for files over 20MBs and can be used to send files up to 5GB.

Auto Wi-Fi connect

This is a unique iPhone feature and comes in handy to those that turn off their Wi-Fi network while sleeping. As soon as you wake and pick the phone, it gets connected to your network and you are able to get up to speed with your notifications effortlessly.

Other underrated features include;

  • Optimized battery charging
  • Apple pay
  • Scan text from photos