How to Insert and Format Date and Time in Excel

How to Insert and Format Date and Time in
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In Excel, it’s useful to include the current date and time to record activity or provide precise timestamps for data. This can be done by inserting static or dynamic date and time values into cells. In this guide, we’ll explore how to set the date and time in Excel, as well as format them according to your preferences.

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Section 1: Inserting Static Date and Time in Excel

Static data remains unchanged and doesn’t update automatically when you open a spreadsheet or recalculate formulas. To insert a static date and time in Excel, follow these steps:

1. Select the cell where you want to display the current date and time.

2. To insert only the current date, press the shortcut “Ctrl + ;” (Ctrl and semicolon keys simultaneously).

Static date
Static date

3. To insert only the current time, press the shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + ;” (Ctrl, Shift, and semicolon keys simultaneously).

Static time
Static time

4. To insert the current date and time together, press “Ctrl + ;”, then press space, and finally “Ctrl + Shift + ;”.

Static data & time in Excel
Static data & time in Excel

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Section 2: Inserting Dynamic Date and Time in Excel

Dynamic data updates each time the spreadsheet is opened, recalculated, or when a macro is executed. To insert dynamic date and time values, follow these steps:

1. Select the cell where you want to place the dynamic date and time.

2. To insert the current date, which will vary, go to the “Formulas” tab, select “Date & Time” and click the “TODAY()” function.

3. To include the current date and time, which will vary, go to the “Formulas” tab, select “Date & Time” and click the “NOW()” function.

Date and Time Formulas in Excel
Date and Time Formulas in Excel

Note: The values of the “TODAY()” and “NOW()” functions will update when the worksheet is opened, recalculated, or when a macro is executed. The displayed times and dates are based on the operating system clock.

Formatting Date and Time in Excel

Excel allows you to customize the format of date and time values according to your preferences. To change the format, follow these steps:

1. Right-click on a cell that displays the date and time.

2. Select the “Format Cells” option.

3. In the “Number” tab, click on “Date and Time”.

4. Choose the desired pattern from the list to format the date and time display.


By following the instructions outlined above, you can easily insert static or dynamic date and time values into Excel cells. Whether you need fixed timestamps or constantly updating information, Excel provides the flexibility to meet your requirements. Additionally, you can format the date and time display in various formats to suit your preferences.