How to Fix the “Windows Cannot Access the Specified Device, Path or File” Error

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The Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file error is an annoying issue that can occur when you are trying to open or run a program or file on your Windows PC. This error can be caused by a variety of reasons that are going to be covered below. Whereas this error can be difficult to identify and fix, there are several steps you can take to sort out the issue and regain access to the affected files or programs. This article explores some of the most effective methods for fixing the Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file error, from checking file permissions to running virus scans and tweaking settings in Windows. By following these steps, you can resolve this frustrating error and get back to using your computer with confidence.

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Causes of the ‘Windows Cannot Access The Specified Device, Path or Fileerror and fixes

Permission issues:

Permission issues refer to situations where a user does not have sufficient permission to access a file or program, causing the “Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file” error to occur.


Windows Cannot Access the Specified Device, Path or File

Firstly, right-click on the file or program you’re trying to open and select “Properties.”

Secondly, go to the “Security” tab and click on “Edit” to adjust the permissions.

Thirdly, make sure that your user account has full control over the file or program in question.

Lastly, click “Apply” and “OK” to save the changes and try opening the file/program again.

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Corrupted files:

Corrupted files refer to files that have become damaged or unreadable, often resulting in the “Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file” error when trying to access them.


Windows Cannot Access the Specified Device, Path or File

Run a virus scan on your computer to check for any malware infections that may be causing the error. To do this, go to your virus and threat protection settings in settings and run a quick scan.

Next, try copying the file to another location or restoring it from a backup if available.

Then, use a file repair tool to attempt to fix the corrupted file.

Malware infection:

Malware infection refers to the presence of malicious software on a computer, which can interfere with file permissions or block access to certain files or programs, leading to the “Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file” error.


Run a full virus scan on your computer using an antivirus program. You can do this in Windows Security in settings. In there, go to virus and threat protection and click or tap on Scan options.

Windows Cannot Access the Specified Device, Path or File

Then, select the radio button with Full scan on it and tap or click on the button with Scan now to run the full scan. Beware that the scan can take more than an hour to be fully complete.

Windows Cannot Access the Specified Device, Path or File

After that, quarantine or remove any detected malware or viruses from your system.

Lastly reset your computer’s security settings to default.

Windows settings:

Windows settings refer to various configuration options within the operating system that can cause the “Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file” error, such as User Account Control (UAC) settings, which may trigger security warnings or block access to certain files or programs.


Disable User Account Control (UAC) temporarily and try opening the file/program again. If it works, consider adjusting the UAC settings to allow the file/program to run without triggering the error.

You can disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows by following these steps:

Open the Control Panel and navigate to “User Accounts” and then “User Accounts” again.

Windows Cannot Access the Specified Device, Path or File
Windows Cannot Access the Specified Device, Path or File

Click on “Change User Account Control settings.”

Move the slider to the bottom to set UAC to “Never notify.”

Click “OK” and restart your computer.

Please note that disabling UAC can potentially expose your computer to security risks, so it’s recommended that you only do this temporarily and re-enable it once you’ve resolved the “Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file” error.

Add the file/program to your computer’s list of trusted applications to bypass any security warnings that may be causing the error.

To add an exclusion, go to Start  > Settings  > Update & Security  > Windows Security > Virus & threat protection.

Then, under Virus & threat protection settings, select Manage settings, and then under Exclusions, select Add or remove exclusions.

After that, select Add an exclusion, and then select from files, folders, file types, or process. A folder exclusion will apply to all subfolders within the folder as well.