In 2012, the popular digital company, Google started to gain a lot of fame globally thanks to its ability to accurately match queries to answers. Over time, the company has grown to become a global giant, but that’s not a fairytale. In Russia, there is a brand, Yandex, exactly as powerful as Google, except for fostering the Russian language. In this article, we’re diving into the similarities and differences between the two.
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Similarities Between Google and Yandex
Both Yandex and Google have search engines as their main product. That’s right! It turns out that Yandex is the upcoming global competitor for Google as their search engine is very developed as their flagship product.
Both companies provide advertising platforms. Did you know that Yandex has an equivalent of both Google Ads and Google Adsense? This shows you how influential how both companies are.
Just like Google, Yandex provides multilanguage support including Russian and English. However, it’s evident that Google spans wider in terms of language.
Both provide excellent android keyboard apps, but Yandex beats Gboard. While Gboard depends on popular words and machine learning, Yandex keyboard mostly depends on logic and grammar and then incorporates machine learning in the use of custom words.
The two brands use notability, authority, and timeframe to rank search results. This is a tier since it’s the reliable standard for users to find accurate search results.
Differences Between Yandex and Google
Google rolls out its algorithm changes in batches, although they are thorough, while Yandex updates its algorithm in a more granular way. They give off many smaller changes several times a week. This means that your Google ranking is likely to be more consistent as compared to the Yandex ranking.
Regional targeting
Yandex ads can only be targeted regionally, while Google ads can be sent to a particular individual location. For instance, while Yandex will let you target “Kampala”, Google will allow you to target “Wandegeya” specifically.
Age of the website
It takes a while to rank on Google because they consider the age of your website. The famous and debated “Sandbox” places your site under scrutiny for a period of 6 months. A new site will have to suffer a “youth penalty” until it’s deemed trustworthy by the algorithm. Yandex on the other hand uses testing to decide whether they start to lift one’s position. For instance, Yandex will give you position number #2 and watch how people treat your appearance. You will return to your initial position, but will slowly rise because of your performance in this test.
Speed of Content Indexing
Google typically indexes a new website page in 1-2 days, while Yandex takes an average of 2 to 10 days. As a result, Google will reference your new articles before Yandex.
Unique content
ACS, Yandex’s version of Google Panda helps filter out copied content. The AI fosters unique content and penalizes what is considered spam in a more vigorous manner. ACS beats Google Panda at detecting rewritten content and copied images and lowers such sites’ rankings.
Unlike Google, getting Yandex good traffic on low-frequency queries without having links is very much easier. On Google, your reference mass matters the most, and the number of links that are linked to your website help them trust you. Again, with Google, you get more traffic from more high-quality sites backlinking to you as compared to the same number of low-quality sites doing the same.
Link Building Activity
Yandex is way more critical when it comes to the links you place in your texts. If your text has a link that in the long run leads to a messy page, it can affect your SEO performance. Google on the other hand only uses links for relationship purposes.
There are a lot more similarities and differences between these two billion-dollar brands, but these are the most crucial for everyday users. Did you find the answer you’re looking for? Please let us know in the comments section.