How To Use ChatGPT for Text Summarization Tool

How To Use ChatGPT for Text Summarization
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ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like responses to a wide range of prompts. One of the most useful applications of ChatGPT is as a text summarization tool, allowing users to quickly and accurately generate a condensed version of longer texts. However, for those unfamiliar with the platform, getting started with ChatGPT can be a bit daunting. That’s why in this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of how to use ChatGPT for text summarization, from initializing the platform to compiling a prompt and interpreting the results. Whether you’re a student looking to condense a long research paper or a professional trying to stay on top of industry news, ChatGPT is an invaluable tool that can save you time and effort. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of ChatGPT for text summarization.

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How To Use ChatGPT for Text Summarization

With just three steps, you will have a text summary at your desk. All you have to do is prepare the text, input the text into chatGPT, and wala, you will have results within a few seconds. Let’s get started;

Step 1: Prepare Text, URL, and HTML for the Summary

Start by preparing the text you want to summarize in a way that makes it accessible to the AI. This can include plain text, HTML code, or the URL of the original article. By ensuring that your text is formatted in a way that ChatGPT can understand, you increase the likelihood of receiving an accurate and useful summary. If you need a summary of a book, make sure it was published online before 2021.

Step 2: Input the Text in ChatGPT

Once you are all set with your text, you can then commence with the process of requesting a summary from ChatGPT, you will need to sign in to your OpenAI account and initialize the AI. After that, go ahead and input the text you want to be summarized, along with any additional information that will help ChatGPT generate an accurate summary “Prompts”. It’s important to craft a detailed prompt that outlines your expectations for the summary, including factors such as the complexity of the text and the intended audience for the summary. For instance, I used this prompt- “Summarise this article within 100 words considering the audience of the summary as a computer illiterate individual.” For whichever text that I have added, ChatGPT with summarise it in 300 words targeting simple language that can be understood easily by the computer illiterate individual.

Screenshot showing input text for summarisation using ChatGPT

Quick Note: The quality of your prompt will have a direct impact on the quality of the summary you receive from ChatGPT. By providing detailed information about the text and your expectations, you can help the AI generate a summary that is tailored to your needs. It’s important to include any relevant details that will help ChatGPT understand the text and your goals for the summary.

Read Also: How to Integrate ChatGPT into Your Search Engine

Step 3: Review the Generated Summary

Given that you are done with inputting your prompt and text, hit the “Enter” button and ChatGPT will generate a summary within a few seconds. If you’re not satisfied with the initial results, don’t hesitate to ask for a new summary by clicking on Regenerate Response. You can also provide feedback to ChatGPT and adjust your prompt as needed to receive the most accurate and useful summary possible. By working with ChatGPT in this way, you can ensure that you receive a high-quality summary that meets your needs and helps you achieve your goals.

summarised results by ChatGPT

Prompt ideas to help you Get Better Results from ChatGPT Summary

  1. “Can you summarize this article about [topic] in 2-3 sentences?”
  2. “I’m looking for a summary of this research paper on [topic]. Can you help me?”
  3. “What are the key points of this book on [topic]?”
  4. “Can you give me a brief overview of this news article about [topic]?”
  5. “I need a summary of this report on [topic]. Can you provide one?”
  6. “Can you summarize the main arguments of this opinion piece on [topic]?”
  7. “I’m having trouble understanding this complex article on [topic]. Can you simplify it for me in a few sentences?”
  8. “Can you summarize the main findings of this study on [topic]?”
  9. “I’m looking for a brief summary of chapter 2 of this book [title of the book]. Can you provide one?”
  10. “Can you give me a summary of this podcast episode on [topic]?”