Use a dark theme in Windows 10 notepad (Everything dark)

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The updated version of Windows 10 has new settings for changing from the default system theme to a dark theme. If you’ve tried using this feature, you’ve discovered that it’s not as described.

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The dark mode of Windows does not affect all the desktop applications as probably expected. You will notice that the dark mode will only appear in a few applications for example in the settings application.

The file explorer, notepad, and most of the other desktop applications are left with the default white color scheme. Now for the people who prefer everything dark have not been cared for example a programmer who is constantly using the notepad(Most of them prefer dark environments, I think it gives them some sort of confidence, haha).

The most common solution that’s available out there is to update to the 1809 version of Windows, but who’s ready to take up that risk of the update after all that happened to its first users.

In this guide, I discuss with you a safe way to use the dark mode in the Windows 10 notepad and in all the other desktop applications, where you don’t need to download any software nor update to the risky Windows 10 version.

How to use a dark theme in Windows 10 notepad and all other desktop applications.

Open the start menu by clicking on the Windows button.

Search for settings and click on its icon to open.

Open Ease of Access from the settings home.

Settings home

Click on High contrast from the left pane.

From the right pane, click the drop-down combo box for Choose a theme which is by default set to None

Select High contrast black from the list. This will display color settings for the scheme.

I suggest you leave the default color settings and then click on Apply

Finished, you can now open any application and enjoy the dark mode.

The affected applications include file explorer, Microsoft edge, notepad, start menu, and many other programs.