The Best Linux code Editors for programmers

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Linux Code editors are tools that provide an environment for writing and editing program codes, a good example for Windows is sublime, Notepad and Notepad ++. They simply make coding fun, so finding the best code editor for your Linux programming job is equally important.

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I am here today to specifically talk about these awesome tools that you will need. These will make your entire Linux coding and development-life the best one. Some of these have advanced features such as auto-complete tags, and classes, and plugins that provide you with extra capabilities.

ALSO READ: Top 10 FREE Text editor options


Linux Code editors and how to install them

1. Atom

Atom provides you with a large degree of customization (You can make every other appearance you want) while it offers a smart approachable interface for developing your applications and lines of code.

Features offered by Atom

  • Auto-completion
  • System files browser
  • Supports multiple panes

How to Install Atom

●         sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom

●         sudo apt-get update

●         sudo apt-get install atom

●         sudo apt remove –purge atom >> to uninstall

2. Sublime text editor

Sublime is again here for Linux. It’s a great tool with better presentation of code with its awesome displays. It is capable of speeding up files indexing and loading with its custom regex.

It is also capable of sorting frequently used tools and files with the help of the command palette feature. It also provides complete customizations for JSON files such as Menus, Macros, Key Bindings, Snippets, and Completions.

How to install Sublime on Linux

●         wget -qO – | sudo apt-key add –

●         echo “deb apt/stable/“ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list

●         sudo apt update

●         sudo apt install sublime-text

●         sudo apt-get remove sublime-text >> to uninstall Sublime

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio is another one on the list. Although many Linux users hate using Microsoft software due to the fact that is limited, they don’t support open source application development. Besides that, VSC is a great tool that will offer you a familiar environment like you have been using for your windows program development projects.


For those who have been using Linux for a while, Vim should be already a familiar tool for writing programs and codes. It’s a free GNU compatible code editor that comes pre-installed in all Linux distros.

Vim has the ability for editing every kind of program, code and any other text document you can think about. In addition, Vim supports a number of plugins available, making it a strong tool for any Linux user.

How to install and update Vim

●         sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim

●         sudo apt update

●         sudo apt install vim

Removing Vim from Linux

●         sudo apt remove vim

●         sudo add-apt-repository –remove ppa:jonathonf/vim

Code blocks

The last one in the queue is Code Blocks, also common for Windows operating systems. If you have been coding and writing programs for a while, especially with C or C++, you should be familiar with Code Blocks.

Code Blocks is a free cross-platform that offers a high degree of customization, and more unique features, for example it permits you to use code written plugins.

How to install Code Blocks on Linux

●         sudo add-apt-repository ppa:damien-moore/codeblocks-stable

●         sudo apt update

●         sudo apt install codeblocks codeblocks-contrib