Solve the “DNS Server Is Not Responding” Error on Windows

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When the DNS servers are not available, it can make your Windows PC show an error message saying “DNS Server Is Not Responding.” There are different reasons why the DNS servers might stop working. Fortunately, many of these issues can be fixed quite easily, allowing you to resolve the problem on your computer. Here’s how you can do it.

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“DNS Server Not Responding” Error

When you see a “DNS server not responding” error, it means the server your device relies on to convert domain names into IP addresses is either offline or unreachable. To make it simpler, let’s take a look at what a DNS server actually does.

When you enter a domain name in your PC’s web browser, the browser requests the DNS server to convert that domain name into an IP address. This IP address is like the website’s unique location on the internet, allowing your browser to find the site and display its content for you to access.

When your DNS server is not working or facing problems, your web browser can’t find the IP address of the site you want to visit, leading to an error message. Several issues can cause your DNS servers to go down, or there might be other factors preventing your PC from connecting to those specific DNS servers.

Some of the potential problems that can cause DNS issues include a malfunctioning router, a faulty web browser, an incompatible VPN app, a corrupted DNS cache, and more.

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How to fix DNS Server Not Responding Error on Windows

Here are some fixes for DNS Server Not Responding Error on Windows:

1. Disconnect your VPN

Your VPN app sends your data through a different server, which helps you get around any restrictions set by your internet service provider (ISP). However, this process can sometimes cause problems with your DNS servers, resulting in the errors you’re facing.

To check if the VPN is causing the issue, turn it off and try loading the website again. If the site loads properly without the VPN, you should contact your VPN provider to find a lasting solution to the problem.

2. Restart your router

If your router is causing your PC to not connect to the DNS servers, you can try fixing it by restarting the router. Most routers have a Power button that you can press to restart them.

If your router doesn’t have a Power button, you can unplug it from the power socket, wait for at least 10 seconds, and then plug it back in to turn it off and on again. After that, open your web browser and try accessing your site again.

3. Try using another browser

If you have a problem with a website not loading in your web browser, try opening the same website in a different browser. This will help you figure out if the issue is specific to your device or just the browser you were using.

To do this, open another web browser on your computer and try accessing the website again. If the website loads fine in the new browser, then the problem is likely with your previous browser. In that case, you can try fixing it by doing a few things, such as clearing the browser’s cache (for Chrome, Firefox, or Edge), disabling any extensions you might have installed (for Chrome, Firefox, or Edge), or resetting the browser settings (for Chrome, Firefox, or Edge).


In conclusion, when you encounter DNS-related problems with a website not loading, there are three effective methods to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. First, trying another web browser helps you determine if the problem is specific to a particular browser. If the issue persists, you can try restarting your router, as it is a simple yet effective step that often resolves connectivity problems caused by router malfunctions. Lastly, if you are using a VPN service, disconnecting it temporarily can help you identify if the VPN is the cause of the DNS problem. By employing these three methods, you can efficiently diagnose and resolve DNS-related issues, ensuring smoother and uninterrupted access to websites and online content.