The Google Play Store is the primary marketplace for Android users to discover, download, and install applications for their devices. As a user, you can not only benefit from the vast selection of apps but also actively contribute to the community by rating and reviewing the apps you have used. Providing feedback through ratings and reviews is not only valuable for other users but also helps developers improve their apps. In this article, we will guide you through the process of rating and reviewing apps on the Google Play Store.
Quick Note: Be reminded that you can only rate the app that you have installed on your device.
Rate or Review an App on Google Play Store
There are two proven ways through which you can rate or review an app on Google Play Store. Method 1 will show you how to rate/review an app on your Android phone and method 2 with show you how to rate/review an app on your computer.
Method 1: Rate App on Android Phone
1. Start the Google Play Store app on your Android phone.
2. Find the app that you would like to rate. You can do so by use of the search bar.
3. Now that you have found the app that you would like to rate, tap on it to launch the detail page.
4. From there scroll down to the Rate this app selection.
5. To rate the app, select the stars.
6. To leave a detailed review, tap on Write a Review and follow the prompts.

Read Also: How to Rate an App in the Apple App Store
Method 2: Rate or Review the App on your Computer
1. On your computer, launch your browser and go to
2. Find the app that you would like to rate. You can do so by use of the search bar.
3. Now that you have found the app that you would like to rate, tap on it to launch the detail page.
4. From there scroll down to the Rate this app selection.
5. To rate the app, select the stars.
6. To leave a detailed review, tap on Write a Review and follow the prompts.
Tips for Writing Helpful Reviews:
- Be Specific: Provide details about what you liked or disliked in the app. Generic or vague reviews don’t offer much value to other users or developers.
- Stay Constructive: If you encounter issues with the app, be constructive in your criticism. Instead of being overly negative, suggest possible solutions or improvements.
- Avoid Spoilers: If you are reviewing a game or entertainment app, refrain from including any spoilers that might ruin the experience for others.
- Honesty Matters: Write genuine reviews based on your personal experience. Avoid posting reviews for apps you haven’t used or providing dishonest feedback.
- Keep it Concise: While sharing detailed feedback is essential, try to keep your review concise and to the point.
- Respectful Language: Use respectful language and avoid any offensive or inappropriate content in your reviews.