Jumia VS Jiji. Which online platform is better in Uganda

Jumia VS Jiji - ugtechmag.com
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Jumia VS Jiji. Which online platform is better in Uganda? This post compares the two online platforms.

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Currently, there are over 26 million E-Commerce sites in the world — thrivemyway.

Jumia is an E-Commerce platform where goods and services are bought and sold. Jiji, just like Jumia, is an online marketplace for selling and buying goods and services.

Jumai and Jiji both do the same thing. But what is the difference between the two? They both do not do things the same way. Depending on different factors, one may be doing something better than the other. And vice versa.

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Jumia VS Jiji, below are some of the differences:


a) Registration of sellers

Given that both Jumia and Jiji are e-commerce platforms, they provide a way for buyers to buy and sellers to sell.

It is very easy for a new seller to start selling using Jiji. What one needs is a Google or Facebook account to register and start selling. Plus a phone number for verification before the account is fully active.

On the other hand, it is very hard for a new seller to start selling on Jumia than on Jiji. On Jumia, you are required to have a specified number of products before you are considered to be added as a seller.

A few years back, I wanted to sell my phone on Jumia, my seller account got rejected because I was supposed to have a minimum of 10 phones before my account could go active. When I went to Jiji, my account got activated in no time and I was able to get buyers for that phone.

b) Product Diversity

There are a lot of products you can post on Jiji as a seller. You can sell land, cars, and services, you can even post jobs, etc.

Whereas, with Jumia, you are limited on what to post as a seller. For instance, you can not sell your services on Jumia, nor can you sell land. So, there is that limitation.

Jumia VS Jiji. Which online platform is better in Uganda--ugtechmag.com

c) Ease of use

Jiji is very easy to use. It does not have a lot of features that you have to get familiar with in order for you to start using it.

On the other hand, Jumia is cluttered with lots of features and products on their home page in such a way that it can at times become overwhelming to use.

d) User Interface

Jiji’s theme color is green. Green is not so much of an attractive color. Anyways it depends on the person. But its theme color is just there, does not shout or attract that much.

Whereas, Jumia, its theme color is orange. Orange is a nice color to look at. It is a pleasant attractive color that they managed to effectively use in their brand.

e) Product delivery

It usually depends on the buyer and seller on when the product gets delivered. Usually, a buyer expresses interest in buying from a seller. Then the seller tells the buyer where they can meet up for the product to be delivered or personally deliver it.

On the other hand, there is a lot of red tape on Jumia. They usually indicate delivery within 3 working days or otherwise. But the time they usually specify is not the actual time products are delivered. This means Jumia delivers its products late compared to Jiji.

e) Safety

Jiji is open to anyone. This should be a good thing. But it is not. How? Anyone can open up an account and start selling. This person might not have the actual product they are trying to sell you. Jiji does not actually verify that sellers actually have what they are selling. All they base on are the photos sellers upload. Additionally, they are not responsible in case the goods you buy from there are defective, stolen, etc. There is no intervention from them.

Jumia is trustworthy. They issue receipts when products are delivered. You are prompted to give feedback about the product you ordered after receiving it. They are involved every step of the way giving you assurance. In case a product is defective, you can apply for a refund.

Those are some of the differences when it comes to Jumia VS Jiji.