Inserting your smart card correctly in the decoder will prevent you from getting error codes like E04, E05, E06, and E07. All those error codes are related to the incorrect insertion of the smartcard which will block you from enjoying DSTV services. Here is how you can properly insert the DSTV smart card.
Read Also: Dstv Error Codes, What they mean and How to fix them
Insert DSTV Smart Card Correctly
1. Unplug your DSTV decoder from power. (You can only pull out the card when the decoder is off. Do not attempt to pull it while watching.)
2. Spot the smart card slot on your decoder.
3. Hold the card firmly then gently pull it out.
4. Check the Cooper plate / golden chip on your card.
5. Gently insert the smart card with the copper plate/gold chip side going first while facing down.
6. Plug in and switch on your decoder to verify if the card was inserted correctly.