How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda

How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda - UgTechMag.Com
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As we evolve deeper into the world of digital currency, you already would be familiar with Bitcoin currency already. The Yellow Card app helps you trade your Bitcoin. However, on the same platform, sending and receiving Bitcoin is easier and more reliable by the wallet software. If you expecting to receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App, you will need to share your wallet address. An address is encoded in either an alphanumeric string or a QR Code, then you can cash out the BTC as UGX either through Mobile Money or Bank. In this tutorial, we share with you a step-by-step guide on how to receive and send Bitcoin via the Yellow Card app in Uganda.

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How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda

To receive bitcoin via Yellow card, you will need to provide a Bitcoin address to the sender. Through your Yellow Card wallet, you can generate a wallet address that the sender will use to send money. Think of the wallet address as an account number that defines access to your account.

1. Open the Yellow Card app and sign in to your account.

2. On the home page, tap on Bitcoin.

How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda - UgTechMag.Com

3. Click on Trade.

How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda - UgTechMag.Com

4. From the pop-up menu, select “Receive.”

How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda - UgTechMag.Com

5. Copy the wallet address and send it to whoever is sending you money via any means of communication like messages, emails, etc.

How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda - UgTechMag.Com

6. Upon receiving the wallet address, the sender will be responsible for creating and sending the transaction using their own wallet software.

PS: The BTC takes up to 30 minutes to reflect because of the different blockchain mining and approval processes.

How to Send Bitcoin via Yellow Card App

Now that the receiver of the payment has sent you their wallet address, here is how you can send Bitcoin via the Yellow Card app.

1. Open the Yellow Card app and sign in to your account.

2. On the home page, tap on Bitcoin.

How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda - UgTechMag.Com

3. Click on Trade.

How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda - UgTechMag.Com

4. From the drop-down menu select “SEND.”

How to Receive Bitcoin via the Yellow Card App in Uganda - UgTechMag.Com

5. Enter the amount in Bitcoin that you want to send (the maximum daily send is 4,000,000). Click on “Continue.”

6. Key in the recipient’s wallet address.

7. Follow the prompts.