Here are the Top 10 Blogging Tips for Tech Writers

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Are you a tech writer looking to write for a wider audience and stuck on how to create original catchy content? Do you have a large audience and want to know more about keeping them interested or you are starting out? Blogging about technology can be quite complex as you need an angle and a target audience plus you have to be up to date with the latest technology, you simply can not go in without fact. Lucky for you I happen to know a few blogging tips that will elevate you as a tech writer. With proper planning, persistence, confidence, these tips plus dedication nothing can go wrong.

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Consider your Audience

First, You have to be considerate of your audience because it is a basis for how you will blog, if the blog is intended for tech experts then you can go all the way into the tech details and use technical terms but if the blog is for a lay person with basic tech knowledge then you might want to slow down a bit. For a normal layperson, you have to simplify the blog and make it more understandable. Imagine having a conversation with a friend and you slowly breaking down the concepts to ease their perception and understanding. You could even crack a joke to engage your audience more and hold their attention.

Select Catchy Topics

Always write about worthy topics. Before you write, you need to find out the topics that keep are searching for, and that way you will be able to write a topic that strikes a chord with the reader. This topic should be relevant to current times and well detailed. Google trends can always help you with selecting topics. When choosing topics, always ask yourself who do you want to write to? How well do you understand the topic? And is this topic relevant? Remember to always find topics that are rare, so you can be the first one to set a trend.

Use Examples and Comparisons

To make the blog most reader-friendly you might want to consider using comparisons and examples. This way your readers can easily relate and see the picture you are trying to create in your blog. You may be shocked how a comparison or example can explain faster and more efficiently driving the point home. Let’s say you decide to talk about storage and you compare a hard drive to cloud storage.

Research More

This tip seems pretty obvious nevertheless I needed to emphasize it for you. As a tech writer, you must be able to do thorough research, crosscheck correct information and understand the topic before you write about it. The standard rule with Tech content is facts matter rather than feelings. Check out other prominent sites, contact specialists, or use products to give a well-detailed review. The more knowledgeable you are about a given topic, the easier it will get to write about.

Using less Technical terms

Adjust to using less technical terms. When blogging with the general public as the intended audience, you should endeavor to reduce the heavy technical terms in your blog, you don’t have to completely get rid of them. You can simply tone it down and offer an explanation for the ones you are to use. This way it is easier to comprehend the message. If you happen to be writing for the general audience, then you have to use normal less complicated technical terms, this way your audience can comprehend and clearly grasp the information you are trying to put across

Break down Information

When writing a tech blog, you should try as much as possible to break down your topic into understandable pieces where you go step by step in your explanation and revelations. This gives readers an introduction and preparation for the main point you are communicating and they are able to understand it fully. It also gives a clear picture of what you are saying. Breaking down the information may include diving into paragraphs and subheadings all slowly building up to the main point, this way no one is left behind when reading your blog attracting a bigger audience as people tend to settle where they understand the content. When writing, assume that you are introducing the topic to the reader for the first time, break down definitions and thoroughly explain from a fresh point of view. The overall design of a blog post needs a title, cover photo (feature image), introduction, body, and conclusion.

Add links

You are encouraged to include links in your blog for more information on a certain topic and to hold the reader’s attention. The links can be hyperlinks to sites with more or similar information on a certain topic or even more information from your own site about something that you previously wrote about. With the links, you are providing more information and satisfying the readers’ curiosity and a quest for more knowledge on the topic without being clumsy and all over the place with different topics. The links are a great deal of help as they offer extra information and explanations plus can ease access to a particular site or piece of information you are talking about. Think about these hyperlinks as a reference to detailed information.

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Format your blog to make it easier for reading. Here you can create headings and subheadings, you could also bullet a few points to make it easier to navigate and pleasing to the readers. It also entices readers to keep reading instead of them being bored by the outlay at first sight. We all like things that look nice and organized, so that can be your catch to draw in an audience and then give them good content.

illustrate with Visuals

As much as you have been descriptive in your article, images will clearly spice up and illustrate clearly the message you are trying to put across. For a tech survey, just a single hit will get them to understand your topic. However, the layperson might have a hard time figuring out content without pictures. For instance, if you are describing a step-by-step guide add images per step to illustrate your content.

Create SEO-Friendly Content

What’s the point of writing content that will not reach its target audience. Presenting the content in an SEO-friendly manner not only includes a popular set of keywords but also helps you narrow down the focused search area and rank high in search engines. Your article will be well received if you have gone the extra mile to add inputs and the topic is well researched and relevant.

Proofread Before Publishing

As a writer, you must not be fought in between minor mistakes like grammar errors, and misspellings. Therefore you need to always proofread your content before you hit the publish button. If you need extra help, just use grammar checker tools like Grammarly.

Pro Tip: Read Aloud content to easily detect errors.

Wrap up: Over time, you will master the art of writing great content with the tips listed above. In all circumstances, keep it simple and factual. Write for the reader rather than yourself. And also, share your content with the world, that’s what social media was created for.