Find the tested way to hack cable modem for free internet and never have to pay again. However, stuff may seem a little bit technical, you need to follow all the guidelines below correctly.
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Uncapping cable Modems
You can uncap your cable modem if you think the service is too slow. However, you should note that once your service provider notices this, they will disconnect you for life and sue you. It doesn’t take them long to realize your attempts, anyway. The company considers this act theft of service.
The process of uncapping a cable modem is typically technically involved, requiring programming a docsis configuration file with a special editor, putting up a tftp server, changing an ip address, and running a dhcp server to trick the cable modem into pulling the config file from localhost. although some parts of the process have been automated, there are still many hitches, but that’s about to change.
onestep is described as a 30 megabyte monster of a program that rolls up all the tools needed to perform a cable modem hack into one utility and hides them behind a point-and-click user interface that allows the user to select his/her cable modem make and model, service provider, and new speed.
The factor to consider in uncapping a cable modem is the anti-social aspect, meaning that one person using too much of the bandwidth during peak hours could cause bottlenecks for the rest of the users on that node.
Anyway, there’s just never enough speed in this world. when 56 kbps dial-up access was the only internet, users used to get disconnected by their ISP because they were leaving their computers connected 24/7, not giving other users the ability to connect at all. now that we have cable modems, which is a relatively cheap method of connecting to the internet at high speeds, people want 10
Many users have resorted to uncapping their cable modems in order to trade movies and software over the ‘net. The bottom line is if everyone decides to uncap their modems, no one will get any amount of bandwidth and we will all suffer.
How to Uncapp a Cable Modem
Most cable systems can spot and disable these modems. The modems typically use cloned authentication credentials or technician credentials and have the firmware hacked to disable the speed limits associated with an account. They may work for a while, but will pretty quickly draw the attention of the backend management systems. In addition to remote disabling capability, the cable systems have tools that determine at what address the modem was physically connected, so they can prosecute the modem operator for theft of service.
Most likely, this criminal endeavor will result in a waste of $300 while putting your address in front of the anti-fraud department of the cable company.
Steps to follow(Docsis compliant Cable Modems)
There are usually two network configurations. The PC is directly connected to the cable modem. The PC is connected to a NAT router, whose WAN port is connected to the cable modem. Both steps shall be applicable.
Every time the cable modem is powered on, it looks in its configuration file for the address of a TFTP server and a filename. This file is the Docsis configuration file that, among other things, sets a cap for the modem’s download/upload bandwidth. The cable modem then retrieves that file and connects to the backbone.
How do we uncap it? Simple. We’ll download the docsis config file, edit it to change the cap parameters, then trick the cable modem in thinking our PC is the TFTP server so it then retrieves our copy of the docsis file.
There’s a bit of work involved for this. First, we have to find out the TFTP server and file name used by the cable modem. For this we can use the docsisDiag utility Among these, the ones we need is:
Configuration TFTP Server = (replace this with yours throughout in the doc)
Configuration filename = isrr.bin (replace this with yours throughout in the doc)
IP fragments created = 0
IP =
IP address. = (the IP address of the cable modem, (replace this with yours throughout in the doc) = 2
Now from a DOS prompt type:
tftp -i GET isrr.bin
You just downloaded the docsis configuration file from your ISP. Now it’s time to edit it to change the modem’s cap. This is done by using the Cisco Docsis configuration software in the docsisConfig directory. Before running ConfigEdit.bat you’ll need to edit it and follow the instructions contained there. Then execute ConfigEdit.bat and open the .bin file you TFTP’d. Go to the “Class of Service” tab. Voila’. Change the Max DS Rate to 7MB (mine doesn’t seem to go higher). Save.
We will now need to have the cable modem think we are the ISP and retrieve our version of the file by running our own TFTP server as below.
1. PC Directly Connected to Cable Modem
Configure your PC’s TCP settings for:
IP: (replace with the ISP’s tftp server)
Gateway: with your cable modem’s IP address)
don’t worry about the DNS…
When it’s done change your TCP settings to use DHCP again, without. or with the docsDiag utility. Your speed limit should now be updated.
2. PC NAT Route ♋ Cable Modem
Set your Router not to use DHCP but to use:
IP: (replace with the ISP’s tftp server)
Gateway: 192.168.100. (replace with your cable modem’s IP address)
You’ll now have to configure the Router to send all traffic to your PC. LinkSys does this by configuring your PC for the DMZ setting. Other routers may be different. All that should be needed is to either forward all external traffic to your PC or to make your PC visible to the other side of the firewall.
Configure your PC with a static IP address in a range used by your router. Ex. If your router is at then configure your PC for:
Now add an additional IP address to the TCP settings in your PC:
IP: (replace with the ISP’s tftp server)
don’t worry about the DNS…
This is done because you’ll have to tell your TFTP server to listen to the latter address.
You shouldn’t have to reboot. Place your modified copy of the isrr.bin (replace this with your name) in the tftpd directory. Start tftpd32 server. Go to Settings and set the Security to None. Increase the timeout to 20secs and the Max Retransmit to 6. Choose to translate Unix filenames. Make sure it’s base directory point to where the isrr.bin is. Click Ok.
We now have to start filling the routing tables in the devices with our bogus data. So start pinging your cable modem, the TFTP IP address, and if applicable, your router. Now power off the cable modem and then power it back on. Then immediately start pinging your cable modem until the config file has been transferred. After the traffic lights blink the first time you should see that your tftp server is sending it your file. Now reconfigure your Router for DHCP, and then reconfigure your PC to DHCP. It should now work as expected.