Power outages are indeed annoying. They halt your work and cause unnecessary delays. As our reliance on electricity is extensive, power outages affect us all badly.
However, power outages are not unusual. In fact, the excessive load on the supply can lead to major breakouts, affecting the power supply to people. Winter storms and the never-ending rainy season are also some reasons that cause a problem in the efficient supply of power.
When the power goes out during extreme conditions like snowfall or extensive rain, the time required for the utility provider to solve the issue may be more than usual. This is when the power may remain out for a considerable period.
Rather than fearing a potential power outage, you should think of some genius hacks to help you get through them. This article will walk you through some of the best hacks that will make sure you don’t have to panic during a power outage next time around:
Use A Powerbank to Charge Your Phone
When the light goes out, the first thing you need is a backup source of light that will enable you to perform some urgent tasks. In this situation, your phone comes in handy. It has a flashlight function, which you can brighten up the space.
Certain power banks are designated for laptops as well. During times when weather conditions are turbulent and there are chances of power outages, you should keep your laptop power bank charged. This way, you won’t have to delay your urgent work tasks due to not having your laptop charged during the power outage period.
The power bank can bail you out when the electricity goes down. Even though you might have chosen a reliable supplier after comparing all the available options through Glimp, outages can still occur. Make sure that all the unused and excessive applications on your phone are turned off to help the phone battery last longer.

Light Up a Crayon
If you have kids in the house with artistic flair, they may bail you out when there are power cuts. A lot of times, we might be out of candles, the flashlights might have batteries, and the phone might already be dead, so you cannot use it to brighten up the space through its flashlight feature.
This is when the kids’ crayons can save us. They are highly functional and work as a perfect substitute for crayons. All you need to do is to light up the tip of a crayon, and it will work as a candle.
However, make sure you take the proper safety precautions before doing that. Place it on a fire-resistant surface, so it doesn’t catch fire even if you go to sleep while it is lit.
You will be amazed to discover that a single carbon can stay lit for as long as one hour.
Turn on Fairy Lights
There are two kinds of fairy lights out there; those that need to be plugged into an outlet and require power to turn on and those that are battery-operated and work even when there is no electricity in the house.
If you have the second type in the house, you are in luck. Just place them somewhere in the living room, and it will turn the space into an aesthetically pleasing date night venue.
Cover Yourself in Layers if it’s Cold
During cold weather, a power outage will also stop your central heating system from working. The entire house will turn into an ice box if the electricity doesn’t return soon.
In this situation, it’s time to layer up. Wear your favorite sweaters and hoodies and cover up well to avoid feeling cold. You can also snuggle in your favorite quilt and feel much warmer.

Play Board Games
Even if you are with the best power company nz, the supply can falter sometimes, and you may end up with no power for quite some time when the weather is extreme. Obviously, your phones also won’t work. This might also happen during internet downtime, leaving you with no means of entertainment.
To avoid getting bored, you can turn to the board games you have in the house and have some old-fashioned fun.
Getting Through Power Outages
Power outages are common when the weather conditions are extreme. When there is a possibility of this happening, stock up on ready-to-eat canned fruits, secondary sources of lighting, some board games, and power banks to get through them in a genius way.