Facing the Challenge of Supporting Your Web Hosting Customers

Call Centre, Help Desk, Communication, Receptionist
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Running and managing a website requires some amount of technical know-how, especially when it comes to hosting-related queries. Most website owners tend to turn to their hosting providers if they encounter any glitches in their hosting plan. A big hosting company usually has a team of technical experts available to handle such queries 24×7. However, hosting resellers who either work from a home office or have a small set-up with limited staff find it difficult to cope with the support expectations of their clients. Today, we will explore ways in which Web Reseller Hosting providers can face the challenge of supporting their web hosting customers.

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How Do you Offer 24x7x365 Support?

This is the biggest challenge faced by most reseller hosting providers. While there are several companies that offer technical helpdesk services (outsourced), the quality of responses varies. On the other hand, if the reseller wants to provide support in-house, then he needs to invest in resources who will handle queries around the clock.

A recommended way to face this challenge is as follows:

  • During the initial stages of your business, ensure that you offer technical support yourself.
  • On your website, mention the timings when can access support services (office hours) and ensure that you offer the highest quality support leading to customer delight.
  • As your clients increase, start offering 24×7 support by outsourcing the non-office hour’s queries to the technical helpdesk.
  • Slowly move the complete support function to the outsourced company.

How do you Reduce the Non-Critical Queries?

If a client is unable to install WordPress plugins or does not understand a feature of the Control Panel, then he will call customer support. While these queries are basic, they do require your time. In order to reduce such non-critical queries, ensure that you create a knowledge bank (FAQs) on your website which your clients can refer to for product/process related queries. This can ensure a reduction in the number of calls/emails you receive for basic queries.

What is the quality of support offered by your Hosting Company?

While you are the first point of contact for your clients, you do not have access to the server or aware of any problems with the infrastructure. Also, most hosting resellers are not technical wizards to solve complex queries. This is where your hosting company steps in. There are many times when your client will be directly talking to the hosting company for certain queries. It is important that the hosting company offers a similar or better level of service as offered by you.

In order to ensure this, you must research the hosting company well before buying a reseller hosting package. Talk to the provider and check if the company is as customer-centric as you are.


Remember, any technical problem or downtime that your client experiences have a direct bearing on their revenues and reputation. Hence, they will reach out to you whenever they face a problem with their hosting plan. Thus, as a hosting reseller, you have to find a way around the challenges in supporting your web hosting clients and ensure that they have a seamless experience.