Google Maps: How To check traffic To Work Or Home

traffic to work
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Check traffic to work or home! Wow, doesn’t that sound great?

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I guess it does. Google Maps has made our lives absolutely easier than before. The google maps app allows you to check traffic from your home to your workplace or vice versa using your phone.

This guide will show you step by step how you can efficiently utilize the Google maps app to check traffic to your home or work using an android phone or desktop computer.

I have included two procedures on how to use google traffic map on both android smartphones and desktops. So let’s see the steps below:-


Step by Step guide on how to check traffic to work or home using google maps

Check traffic near you from a desktop browser using Google maps

  1. Navigate to your desktop browser and open Google maps.
  2. In the top left corner navigate to the Search google maps field and enter the term Work. If you have never set up your workplace location before with google maps, you’ll be prompted to set it up.
navigate to Search google maps bar and enter the term Work

3. Enter your work address in the window that opens up in google maps and click SAVE.

Enter work address

4. In the top left corner navigate to the Search google maps field and enter the term Home. If you have never set up your Home address location before with google maps, you’ll be prompted to set it up.

5. Enter the Home address in the Edit home address box that opens up and click save.

enter home address

6. To check traffic to work on google maps, click the menu ( three horizontal lines next to search google maps ) and tap to open it.

Tap menu to open it google maps

7. Under the menu, select traffic, and google maps will open up with some green and red marks along the streets.

The traffic color marks on the street areas of google maps indicate the following:-

  • Green = Light traffic.
  • Orange = Moderate traffic.
  • Red = Congested.

How to check traffic to work or Home on Android

To check traffic on your route to work or home using google map follow the steps below:-

  1. On your android phone navigate to the Google Maps App and open it.
  2. At the top left corner, navigate to the menu bar and tap it.
menu bar

3. In the google search field, enter the term work and a window will pop up prompting you to add your work location. If you had set up your workplace on google maps continue below.

Enter work location

4. In the google search field again, enter the term Home and a window will pop up prompting you to add your home location. If you had set up your home place on google maps continue with that current location.

5. To check traffic between different roads in your area using google maps android, navigate to menu > and tap traffic. You’ll see a map like that below.

check traffic google maps

6. To check traffic on your route to work, tap the navigation button ( icon of a man walking at the bottom right corner ).

click navigate icon

7. In the next step, enter your home as starting location and work as your destination and then select an option of whether to walk or drive to view your route.

navigation panel google maps

8. Google maps will draw your route and directions on the map together with live road traffic.

live road traffic

Now areas of the street will have a color to indicate the traffic level on them.

  • Green = Light traffic.
  • Orange = Moderate traffic.
  • Red = Congested.