7 YouTube Channel Mistakes You’re Probably Making

7 YouTube Channel Mistakes You're Probably Making - UgTechMag.Com
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While Youtube might seem like an easy way to make money and gain popularity, it’s not as simple as it looks. There are plenty of mistakes that even experienced YouTubers make regularly, which can lead to everything from lost subscribers to financial hardships down the road. The trick is to avoid these common YouTuber mistakes altogether so that you never end up struggling with your channel or your brand again. Here are seven of the most common mistakes new and experienced YouTubers make all the time, and how you can avoid them in your work.

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Taking too long to upload videos

In today’s busy world, no one wants to sit around and wait for you to upload your content. This is especially true if you don’t have much in terms of an audience. You want to give your audience something to watch right away when they land on your channel. That way, they can decide whether or not they’ll stick around before they even start watching anything. If they do stay, that’s great but you’ve also got them hooked and ready for new videos as soon as possible! As a general rule of thumb, uploading 2-3 videos per week is ideal.

Failing to pick a niche

Before you start your YouTube channel, make sure you’ve picked out a niche. Maybe it’s videos on survival and preparedness, relationship advice, or business tips. Whatever it is, have something in mind so you can create content that aligns with what your target audience wants to see. If your videos lack focus they won’t get many views. Make sure your audience knows what to expect from watching one of your videos by clearly communicating that in every video description and title before you publish it for all to see.

Lack of originality in content

When you create a video, try to make it unique. There are already enough unoriginal, boring videos on YouTube as it is. Use your own experiences and views to write something that only you can produce. If you don’t have an experience worth talking about, then go out and get some! Be spontaneous: when recording yourself for a video, don’t be afraid to let out an oops or hold on when something unexpected happens. It gives your viewers a more authentic feel of who you are and what you do.

ALSO READ: 6 Free YouTube Tools to Help You Grow Your Channel

Being unprofessional in tone, diction, and language

Thumbs up to your fantastic intro music, visually interesting graphics, and stylish wardrobe. But don’t let that false confidence trick you into believing you have a professional YouTube channel. After all, having a great video isn’t enough if you lack professionalism especially in terms of your language, diction, and tone. Don’t be afraid to check out videos from other channels that have audiences similar to yours for an inside look at how those videos are made; more importantly, take note of what those channels do well and just as importantly how they fail.

Not researching your target audience

7 YouTube Channel Mistakes You're Probably Making - UgTechMag.Com

To create a successful channel, you need to know who you’re trying to reach. Your content will be more relevant and interesting if it speaks directly to that specific group. If you spend time thinking about your target audience and you should!, these same people will come back again and again to watch your videos and they’ll tell their friends about them, too. It also means when these followers see your ads they’ll be more likely to pay attention because they feel like they already know and trust you. Before creating any video on YouTube, do some research into who watches your chosen topic, so that you can use your channel as a way of connecting with those people in a truly meaningful way.

ALSO READ: 5 Simple Tricks to Grow Your YouTube Channel

Choosing the wrong titles

The number one most-common mistake creators make is not paying attention to their titles. Before you upload, always read over your title and ensure it’s clear, accurate, and compelling. If you want people to watch your video, they need to understand what they’ll be getting when they click on it. A boring or misleading title will only hurt views in the long run. Make sure that your title matches up with what you’ve created. For example, if you made a video about how to do a certain hairstyle, don’t call it How I Made My Hair Look Like a Unicorn. That doesn’t accurately describe your content and isn’t likely to get anyone excited about watching! Instead, try something like How I Got This Gorgeous Rainbow Hair Color. That way, anyone who sees it knows exactly what they’re going to get out of watching and are more likely to hit play!

Staying there without learning or growing

7 YouTube Channel Mistakes You're Probably Making - UgTechMag.Com

It’s okay to make mistakes, but avoid making them again and again. For example, one of the biggest mistakes is not taking feedback seriously. Most people want to help you and will provide good advice if you ask for it. Make sure you don’t go out of your way to tell everyone that they don’t know what they’re talking about or simply ignore them altogether. Every professional or business owner learns from mistakes they made early on in their career; it’s a natural part of growing up in any field. Learn from these mistakes and move forward with confidence!

Final Thoughts

Setting Goals. It’s not enough to merely say, I want to grow my channel. Without a plan of action and proper preparation, you can easily end up spinning your wheels for years without making much progress at all. I know you’re tired of doing that already; we all are. So sit down and commit yourself to working hard on your YouTube channel you owe it to yourself and your audience. Make a list of goals and step-by-step strategies on how you can reach them, then put in as much work as it takes to get there but don’t settle for less than what you’re capable of! Remember: Failures are successes if they teach us something important; learn from yours so that they lead you somewhere great!