The 4 Things You Should Never Do on the Internet

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The internet can be a dangerous place if you’re not careful, and there are certain things you should avoid doing at all costs. These four things are the ones that you’ll want to think long and hard about before even considering them since the potential damage they could cause is just too great to ignore. In the following article, we’ll discuss the reasons why these actions are so dangerous, how they can affect your personal and professional life, and what steps you can take to avoid making mistakes like these in the future.

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Using the same passwords for multiple sites

The 4 Things You Should Never Do on the Internet - UgTechMag.Com
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The average user has 20-30 online accounts. Yet when it comes to choosing a password, most of us stick with one or two and make them easy to remember. And that’s a huge mistake because if your password is stolen on one site, it can be used to access your data at other websites too.

So if you’re going to use a single password for multiple sites, change it frequently and never share it with anyone else. If you absolutely must use the same password across multiple sites, do not put that information in your profile instead, write down that information and keep it in a safe place. Also, avoid storing passwords in web browsers as they may get hacked and could reveal your info to criminals.

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Getting into arguments on social media

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Social media is one of those modern oddities that are both a blessing and a curse. It allows people from all over to connect, share, and collaborate but it also gives trolls from around the world an opportunity to shout, harass, and attack you if they disagree with your viewpoint.

If you want to make sure your online activity doesn’t spiral out of control into drama or worse, avoid these three things: getting into arguments with trolls; picking fights with strangers; sharing personal information unnecessarily. While most of us probably know better than to engage in most of these behaviors anyway, it never hurts to get some advice now and then!

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Be real

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The number one thing you should never do on the internet is to be fake. We’ve all seen people pretending to be someone they’re not, and it’s certainly funny until you realize that it’s a form of lying that can hurt relationships, cause lasting damage, and in some cases even ruin lives. So before you do anything else online, remind yourself that being your true self is more important than being liked by strangers. It’s probably good advice for life offline as well.

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Sharing much information about your kids

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Don’t make your children’s names, photos, or birthdates publicly available. These are pieces of personal information that only serve to empower strangers to stalk your child online and in person. Also, don’t post specific times when your kids will be home alone; some sick individuals have used this information to commit crimes.

Keep a close eye on who follows and friend requests your kids, too don’t give a potential predator access to their information. It should go without saying that you shouldn’t post compromising photos of your kids, but sometimes good parents lose track of what they’re posting. Be smart! It’s worth taking a minute now to prevent heartache down the road.


Regardless of your content, do your best to add value, spark interest, and say something unique and relevant. If you can accomplish these goals, then you’ll attract an audience that wants to hear what you have to say and tell their friends about it too. These days, your readers expect more: they want powerful writing and eye-catching graphics that will keep them interested all day long. They also want things like a clear call to action so they know exactly how they should take action after reading a piece of valuable writing.