5 Ways to Write Better Email Subject Lines That Get Opened Every Time

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Have you ever wondered why some email subject lines get opened and others get ignored? If you’re tired of your emails being stuck in the dreaded spam folder, here are five easy ways to boost your open rates that you can implement right away. It’s easier than you think!

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5 Ways to Write Better Email Subject Lines That Get Opened Every Time-ugtechmag.com


Don’t make false promises

If you’re going to tell your audience that you’ll teach them something, then make sure that’s exactly what you deliver. Be specific with your headline and explain what they will learn, whether it’s in 10 minutes or 10 hours. Any false promises can annoy people, scare them away from your site, and even hurt your brand if word gets out about it. Before you email anything that requires someone’s attention, be sure that you can actually give them exactly what you say you will. This is a great rule of thumb for any business or marketing email subject lines!

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Keep it simple and precise

Take a look at your inbox. There’s a chance that you receive a ton of emails every day and, if you are like most people, they remain up opened. A simple, one-line subject line will get your email opened since it gives us a good indication of what your email contains without being too vague or too long. Remember: less is more! Try using words such as reminder, important, urgent, etc., in order to highlight why someone should read or open your email instead of just deleting it straight away.

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Personalize your message

Make sure your subject line isn’t generic and shows you actually know something about your recipient. For example, if a friend of yours is applying for a new job, you might write: Brian Amanyire I Hope You Land This Position! Personalizing a message in an effective way can help get more people interested in what you have to say.

It also lets them know that someone who knows them cares enough to reach out with helpful information and tips. Sometimes, email is just another channel through which you can keep in touch with your clients; making that channel stand out, it could go a long way toward keeping your connection alive.

Use questions that grab attention

Asking a question is a simple way to get people’s attention. Asking your reader something specific that they can answer gets their brain thinking about your message and how it applies directly to them. It also shows you care what they think, which makes people more likely to interact with you in other ways. Plus, according to e-mail marketing software provider Mail Chimp, subject lines that include questions are 55% more likely than any other kind of line to get opened.

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Don’t use ALL CAPS

Using all caps in your email subject line means your recipients will have a harder time scanning for what they need making them much more likely to hit delete. Instead of ALL CAPS, make sure each word is capitalized. You’ll have no problem grabbing attention that way.

Conclusion: Too many people take it for granted that if they sent an email then the recipient will have it opened. This however is not the case especially if you do not recognize the power of a great email subject line. If you want people opening your emails then you have to craft a compelling email subject line.