UNBS Product Certification: How to Pay for Audit Fees

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Previously, I showed you how to apply for product certification online in Uganda. As I emphasized in that particular article, the application process is the first step to six more steps of getting the Uganda National Bureau Standards (UNBS) product certification mark. But since you are reading this particular article, I assume that you submitted your application and got feedback from your assigned case officer. Now the next step will require you to pay audit fees so that UNBS officials could be in a position to audit and evaluate your product. In this article, we show you a step-by-step guide on how to pay UNBS’s audit fees via the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) portal.

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How much Do you have to Pay?

Per product certification, the company with have to pay around UGX 500,000/= (Five Hundred Thousand Shillings Only) and the testing fees will be determined by product type.

Quick Note: The fees mentioned above may be altered with time.

Read Also: How to pay for URA taxes and Fees using MTN or Airtel Mobile Money

How to Pay for Audit Fees

1. Visit the URA portal.

2. Go to eServices and click on More.

UNBS Product Certification: How to Pay for Audit Fees-ugtechmag.com

3. Under Payments select Payment Registration.

4. Start filling out the payment registration form by choosing Other NTR under Tax Head.

5. In the next section, you will be required to enter your taxpayer’s details like name, email address, contact, area of residence, TIN, etc.

6. For the NTR payments section, select Ministry/Department/Agency as Uganda National Bureau of Standards from the dropdown. For the Department option choose should be Certification, Category as Certification Fees, and Tax Head as Audit.

7. Under Fees Calculation, enter the amount that you intend to pay. The exact amount that you are mandated to pay was sent to you via email.

8. Select your ID type and enter the details

9. Choose your preferred payment option. Wondering what payment method to use, click here.

10. Click on Accept & Register, then select Okay for any prompt from the portal.

If payment registration is successful, you will be auto-redirected to a page containing your payment slip. Download it to fully view details and get the PRN. Go ahead and make a payment using the PRN from the payment slip.