Troubleshooting Common Smartphone Problems

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Ever since Apple first introduced the smartphone in 2008, things have only continued to change and evolve since then. The first iPhone completely changed the way manufacturers made their smartphones and over time, other companies started creating their smartphones as well. While many companies are creating their smartphones, there are primarily six that control the majority of the market. 

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It is currently estimated that there are over 3 billion smartphone users in the world currently, and that is saying something given how that is half of our world’s population. The hype is understandable of course because smartphones have truly made it easier to do everything possible. Everything we need to stay connected to the world can be found in our smartphones. Whilst smartphones are considered to be a revolutionary technology, they are still machines at the end of the day, and they do tend to run into problems either because of our mishandling of them, or a fault in their system. Certified Repair says if you do run across issues in your smartphone, it is advisable to take it to a repair shop as soon as you can and have them take a look at it. 

We will now discuss a few common issues that can occur with smartphones and what you can do to try to deal with them before throwing in the towel and taking them to the repair store. 

  • Issues with connectivity can only point to two problems, and that is that there is either a problem with your service provider, or you might be dealing with an issue with your phone itself. You can call your service provider and see if your device is compatible with its services, and you can also restart your phone and see if it makes a difference. Completely disconnecting and then resetting and rebooting your device is another way to try to troubleshoot the problem. If there is no issue on your service provider’s end, then there is an issue with your phone’s end. This is where you will need to go to the repair shop and have them let you know what might be causing the problem. 
  • Cracked, unresponsive, glitched, or a screen with dead pixels is every smartphone user’s nightmare. Once your screen faces any of these problems after dealing with impact or fall damage, there is not much that you can do to fix the problem yourself. You can, of course, try to prevent this from happening by getting a screen and case protector and being more careful whilst handling your phone. However, once the damage has been done, you cannot do anything but take your phone for repairs and have them figure out what can be done. The most common way they will deal with this problem is by changing your phone’s screen entirely with a new one. This usually does the job in most cases, however, some smartphones are still not able to retain full functionality after getting the screen replaced as well. 
  • An issue with your phone’s battery life will happen over time as your phone begins to run out of charge cycles. However, if you feel like your phone’s battery drains too quickly, then your next step should be to open your settings and check out how much battery each application is using, and then shutting off those applications unless you need to use them. You can also turn off your location and data if you are not using it as well to save battery life. However, if none of these steps are still not resolving the issue, then there is most likely an issue with your phone’s battery itself, and for that, you will need to take your phone for repairs and have them decide whether you should get your phone’s battery replaced (if possible), or if you should just give up on the phone entirely. 
  • Processing and overall performance-related issues in a phone can point to several directions. So, if you are noticing an overall drop and lag in your phone’s overall performance and processing speed, then you can try several different things, like first off, you can optimize your device and have it clear extra space, scan for any possible problems, close background applications, and free up memory and so on. If this does not work, you can manually free up space on your phone. If neither of these things works, then you have run out of options in this regard and your only option now is to take your phone to a repair store and have them try to figure out what might be causing the problem. There can be many possible reasons why your phone lags, and it is better to just let the professional use their knowledge and expetise try to figure it out.