7 Tips to Know a Fake iPhone in Nigeria

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One of the most popular smartphones in Nigeria is the iPhone. Due to the iPhone’s impressive growth in the Nigerian phone market, fake and cloned copies of the device are now widely available. Consumers are frequently deceived when purchasing new iPhones.

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Getting an iPhone at a cheap price is not always an indicator that the phone you are getting is a fake one. Due to an urgent need for funds, a seller may opt to sell an iPhone at a very cheap price. This may cause you to question if the iPhone you are buying is genuine. Clone producers have ramped up their game, and someone purchasing an iPhone for the first time may easily end up purchasing a fake one.

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In this guide, you will learn how to quickly identify a fake iPhone in Nigeria. They’re always easy to recognize, and you may find them at any phone market near you.


What to look for to identify a fake iPhone in Nigeria

The advice I’ll provide here is critical. It can help you avoid losing money to those who sell phony iPhones that purport to be genuine. So, if you want to know how to spot a fake iPhone in Nigeria, keep these ideas in mind.

#1. They are very affordable

When you read about instances of people purchasing fake iPhones in Nigeria (and all over the world), the amount they spent might occasionally serve as a hint that the person was a victim. This is because the phone’s pricing was too alluring to pass up. Cheap prices are frequently a contributing element in the purchase of a fake iPhone (even though that isn’t always the case).

I would encourage you to avoid anyone who tries to convince you to purchase an iPhone that isn’t defective for an odd sum of money. Cloned iPhones are almost always inexpensive. In Nigeria, one of the ways to spot a fake iPhone is by its low price. Always check the cost before making a purchase.

#2. Keep an eye out for strange apps 

I still recall the first time I saw someone using a fake iPhone. At first, I was astounded by how authentic-looking the outside appeared. The phone’s body and camera were of an iPhone until I unlocked it and proceeded to look at some of the applications he had previously downloaded. 

The instant I noticed odd programs like File Manager and the Bluetooth icon on the home screen, I realized this was not the original iPhone. It’s crucial to examine the browser and keep an eye out for programs like File Manager. In most cases, check the browser (Safari).

Fake iPhone Nigeria - ugtechmag.com

#3. Check The iOS Version

Another way to identify a fake iPhone in Nigeria is by the operating system (OS) it runs on. Most often, these cloned iPhones always run on Android OS. Sometimes, you’d never know because the launcher has been altered to look exactly like the one on a real iPhone. You won’t notice anything strange about it until you open some apps or go to the settings.

#4. Observe The Lock Feature

When you lock an original iPhone, you’ll notice an animated slide to unlock that repeatedly dims and brightens until you open the phone. On a cloned or fake iPhone, you’ll never see this happen. Even if you do, bear in mind the other advice mentioned in this post.

#5. Check The SIM Slot

Most phone sim cards are always fitted to the top left or right side of the phone and maybe punched out using a sim injector. Most iPhones use a single SIM card. If you are purchasing an iPhone and learning that it is a dual-SIM device, you must check the phone carefully to confirm that it is indeed a genuine phone. It is only iPhones made for the Chinese market are allowed to have a dual-SIM slot. If you are not fully convinced that the phone is legit, you must return it immediately.

#6. iPhone Doesn’t Use an SD Card

Never let yourself be fooled into believing that an SD card is used by an iPhone or any other Apple device. The majority of cloned or fake iPhones always have an SD card slot. It is often displaying a 64GB capacity when in reality it is just an 8GB card.

You can also tell if an iPhone is fake in Nigeria by looking around to see if the back cover is detachable. This is one of the quick ways to identify a fake iPhone in Nigeria. Real iPhones work on built-in storage, regardless of the iPhone version or model. You’ll never see an original iPhone using an SD card.

#7. Check Warranty & Network Status

Even if you conduct your investigation using the other steps and find nothing that suggests the iPhone you’re purchasing is a fake, this final one is critical and will undoubtedly provide you with proof that will clarify if this iPhone is genuine or counterfeit. To do this, you’ll need to check the coverage on Apple via this link.

You’ll enter the device’s serial number on the website above. If it’s genuine, it will display the information on the Apple coverage network. If it doesn’t, the iPhone you’re buying is fake.


These are just measures to follow while acquiring a new iPhone in Nigeria. This is particularly at shops and on the streets of Lagos. We hope you are now able to detect a fake iPhone in Nigeria. Share with us in the comments section below whether this was helpful.