The Best 6 Tech Review YouTube channels to Check out

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After (or before) purchasing the latest gadget or electronic, we all what to know more about the item. How it operates, when to use it, what procedures to follow, what to avoid, and people’s views and opinions on it. So we end up on sites searching about who has used it and what reviews they give (YouTube being the most used). As of 2022, there are more than 51 million YouTube channels out there. These YouTube channels create content on different topics, however, if you looking for “how-tos” YouTube is definitely the best platform.

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This guide has compiled for you the best Tech review YouTube channels to check out. These YouTube channels are prominent for helping you search, compare and even suggest the latest technology reviews. The technology could be gadgets, kitchen electronics, offline machines, or gym machines. Finding the right tech review youTube channels is all it takes. Product reviews especially tech reviews are very helpful when deciding to buy an item. You can also learn how to operate your purchased item with ease from here;


Austin Evans

The Best 6 Tech Review YouTube channels to Check

Topping the tech review channels on YouTube is Austin Evans. With 5.31 million subscribers, this channel is verified and will keep you up to date with all the gadgets currently in the world today. Their videos will fully assess the advantages and disadvantages of a tech product without promoting it giving you a chance to weigh your options and chose which you would rather go for. This channel provides factual and revealing information that comes with a little comedy leaving you entertained, unlike most tech channels that are deemed serious like news channels. Austin Evans talks about popular, new, and upcoming technology majoring mainly in gadgets like phones, headphones, laptops, and video games.


With over 3.46 million subscribers, and 1.5 billion views, the CNET channel will bring you the latest technology news from all over the world plus it is verified. The American media website also has a podcast and blog that publishes reviews, news, and articles on technology and consumer electronics.

The channel prides itself on videos of unboxing brand new items, giving reviews, and showing you how to operate plus it explores new apps. In short, CNET will update you with all-around timely updates, reviews, and price comparisons if you’re interested in technology, and recent technology could be new airplanes, machinery, or space crafts.

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Unbox Therapy

This Youtube channel normally centers around unboxing and usage of new electronics, reviewing products, and talking about specifications. Not only is it informative but it is precise and straight to the point. At the therapeutic unboxing site you get to unbox the coolest technology. It does not limit to only gadgets but also has surprising technology you might have not come across.

Unbox Therapy has over 18.2 million subscribers. (interesting) This channel has been operating for 10 years and is verified by youtube, more reason to check it out is that they are professionals and one of the top trusted tech sites.

Marques Brownlee

Besides having tons of subscribers on his YouTube channel for reviewing the latest gadgets, Marques’ reviews have a personal touch and are filled with humor giving you the comfort to understand. He also adds comedy skits based on current technology as an added bonus. Marques Brownlee is a verified youtube channel that was created in 2008 but started operating in 2009.


Also known and hosted by Judner Arua, this verified channel reviews smartphones, cameras, laptops, and gaming among others. His honest opinion will have you taking interest in the channel and a common person’s take on gadgets will interest and intrigue you to watch more and subscribe. Started in 2012, his channel has been running for over 10 years and giving you the latest tech reviews. You can access this channel here.

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Being among the 5 most-watched tech channels, this channel was created when Linux asked its host to create a YouTube channel for relieving their products. Having gained enormous popularity and verified, it is also known as one of Google’s preferred advertising channels. You can access the channel here.