How to Stop Unwanted Notifications on your Tecno Phone Notification Bar

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Notifications are important but sometimes they are annoying especially when they interrupt the phone user during a call, or while playing games on their device. If you want to block these notifications, then you should proceed with reading this article. The steps to stop unwanted notifications on your Tecno phone are simple, precise, and can be done by anyone. This article will guide you with two methods to stop unwanted notifications on your Tecno phone.

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Stop unwanted Notifications on your Tecno phone notification bar

Two methods could help you block unwanted notifications on your Tecno phone. Let’s get started with the step-by-step guide;

Method 1:

1. Launch the Settings App on your device.

2. Select the App & Notifications option.

stop unwanted notifications Tecno

3. Click on Notifications.

4. Select App Notifications.

5. Choose a particular App whose notifications you want to block.

6. Turn the toggle off to deactivate notifications.

7. All notifications from that particular app, will not pop up in the notification bar again. Do this for all the apps whose notifications you would like to block.

Method 2:

1. Scroll down your phone from the top to reveal the notification bar.

2. Long press / Hold on the notification you want to stop.

3. Click on App info.

4. The app info will show. Disable the Show Notification option.

NOTE: Most apps especially game apps allow you to enable or disable notifications within the app. All you have to do is go to Settings and deactivate notifications from the settings menu.