Here Are Safaricom Fuliza Charges for 2024

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Many Kenyans are unable to live comfortably due to their incomes. Since income may not be enough, most of them end up borrowing from loan companies, banks, and other financial services. Others may not be able to access these loans. Safaricom came up with a solution for M-PESA customers, it is an overdraft service and not a loan service. This overdraft service is Fuliza and the Safaricom Fuliza charges are a key issue one should look into before opting for the overdraft.

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Payment Terms and Conditions

Fuliza is only applicable to Safaricom customers who have had their Safaricom lines for a long period and different customers have different Fuliza limits. With Fuliza, you can send, withdraw, or buy goods by paying bills and till numbers even when your wallet doesn’t have enough cash by overdrawing the amount. There are daily charges for the overdrawn amount which is revenue for Safaricom.

The overdrawn amount is required to be repaid by the 30th day after overdrawing. If not, Safaricom has the ability to access the defaulting customer’s M-Shwari, KCB, or NCBA Bank accounts to repay the Fuliza amount. Fuliza made Safaricom Ksh 2.8 billion in the last year. Your M-Pesa wallet is patched up as soon as you top up your M-PESA balance, that is how Fuliza works..

Uganda has also depicted Fuliza after its success statistics. MTN Uganda, together with NCBA Uganda has launched MoMoAdvance. It works like Fuliza but is more robust in terms of feature sets because MTN Mobile Money agents and company clients can even access it.

Safaricom Fuliza Charges for 2022 -

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These are Safaricom Fuliza charges for 2023

[You are charged a 1% access fee and a maintenance fee on the outstanding balance as per the table below. Normal M-PESA transaction charges apply]
Band (KES)Tariff (per day)Promotional Tariff for 30 days from launch
0-100KES 2.4One-time fee of KES 0
101-500KES 6
501-1000KES 12
1001-1500KES 26
1501-2500KES 30
2501-70000KES 36