How to Record Zoom Meetings

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There are a variety of reasons that could prompt you to consider recording Zoom meetings. It could be for accountability reasons for your bosses as evidence of what took place during the meeting or just a great way to keep a record of what transpired so you can refer back to specific segments at your own timing or even share the recorded Zoom meeting with people who weren’t able to attend the meeting live. Whichever reason you hold at heart, this guide will show you how to record Zoom meetings.

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How to Enable Recording on Zoom

1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an administrator with the privilege to edit user groups.

2. In the navigation menu, click Settings.

3. Click the Recording tab.

4. Click the Local Recording toggle to enable or disable it.

5. If a verification dialog appears, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.

6. Select the checkboxes to enable or disable additional features, then click Save:(Optional)

Save chat messages from the meeting/webinar: Allow hosts to save in-meeting chat messages in the local recording files.

Save closed caption as a VTT file: Allow hosts to save closed caption files in local recordings.

Hosts can give meeting participants permission to record locally: Allow hosts to give permission to record locally as well. 

8. If you want to make this setting mandatory for all users in the group, click the lock icon, and then click Lock to confirm the setting (Optional).

How to Record a Zoom Meeting

  • Start the Zoom meeting as a host.
  • Tap on the Record button from the options at the bottom of the meeting window. The recording indicator will appear at the top-left corner of the screen which affirms that you are currently recording the Zoom meeting.
  • As the host, you can allow other participants to record the meeting as well. Once permission is granted, the other participants will tap the record button to get started.

Quick tip: You can record a Zoom meeting for free on the desktop app or with a paid subscription on the mobile app. The host of the meeting needs to give permission to record, which can be done in settings beforehand.