Pros And Cons Of Foldable Smartphones

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In 2018, we saw the idea of foldable smartphones reminisced and eventually rematerialized. By 2021, we saw folding smartphones rise to stardom in all types of styles, and forms. Foldable smartphones are smartphones that allow one to fold them in half including their touchscreen interface. Some of the most popular foldable smartphones include Royole FlexPai (October 2018), Galaxy Fold (February 2019), Huawei Mate X (February 2019), Motorola RAZR (November 2019), and TCL (March 2020). At the very least, those are the trendiest picks ever offered in the market.

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However, that’s far from becoming an everyday asset as people are still studying and watching this new technology evolve. If you’re wondering whether you should purchase a foldable smartphone, here is a guide to help you decide.

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Pros Of Foldable Smartphones

1. They Ease Multitasking – Foldable phones have an ambiguous opportunity to do several things at once. For example, when you fold the phone, you’re able to view other notifications and messages on the outer screen. This will make you reserve the inner giant screen for serious business only.

2. Next-level Single-Camera Setup – It’s undeniable that the most outstanding feature of any new smartphone is the camera, especially for the use of selfies. Now, foldable smartphones require only one brilliant camera for both selfies and back cameras. Additionally, you can use the camera regardless of the direction you fold the device.

3. Ample Space for Hardware – Have you noticed the trend of phones getting bigger over the years? This also guarantees the room for hardware like batteries and powerful processors is increasing.
People are seen complaining about smaller batteries on their smartphones. With time, manufacturers will embed more powerful batteries and processors because of the huge sizes of foldable smartphones.

4. Bigger Displays – This is an exciting feature because, unlike tablets, foldable smartphones are foldable so that you can enjoy wide pictures wherever you go. With this bigger screen ratio, you’re able to watch and do stuff you want to in a handy manner.

5. Optimized Photography and Videography – Foldable phones have several cameras which can push your experimental ideas, because of several clicks. When unfolded, these phones have a bigger coverage with sufficient space to place in more powerful processors and batteries.

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Cons Of Foldable Smartphones

1. Remarkably Costly

The advanced technology in smartphones is respective to the manufacturers, efforts. This, therefore, leads to extremely high prices in comparison to normal smartphones. The case in the study is the Samsung Galaxy Fold worth $2000 which is twice the price of most iPhones (the most expensive phones).

2. They are not so user-friendly

The whole idea of having foldable smartphones is so new that most people find it tough to adapt to. The devices are completely strange in comparison to regular smartphones which only have software advancement. One may need to shift attention from using the phone to adapting to its nature. Additionally, their size, weight, and shape might come off as inconvenient to some people.

3. Susceptible to Errors

Every new technology comes with its own flaws and weaknesses. This does not exempt foldable smartphones which are a whole hardware refurbishment. Users learning how to use the device might come with faults that may compromise the device itself

Those are the most outstanding pros and cons that come with using or buying a foldable smartphone. So, whether you should buy one depends on whether you love the size more than you’re afraid of your own digging too deep into your pocket. Kindly leave a comment below so we know what you think.