Notretake App Launch- A platform to help university students in Uganda excel in their exams

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It is not rare that many University students are in need of resources to excel in tests and exams. Notretake is a new platform meant to change the way how students access resources through its different programs for its users.

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This platform was founded by Kakooza Vianne, a computer science student at Makerere University with a desire to provide fellow students with space where educational resources for tests and exams are easily accessible and up-to-date.

The founder of notretake, Kakooza Vianne

This will be through the notretake platforms:

These platforms are dedicated to provide updated past papers to different Universities around Uganda as well as offer other training modules and resources to build different student skills.

Notretake intends to start training programs that shall run for 7 weeks at Makerere University, where anyone who registers will be able to work with adjustable hours and chose any of the desired programs.

One of the attendees asking a question.

These training programs will be broken down into modules.


1. Training in Basic Web programming

Here, the trainees will be introduced to basic HTML and other website building frameworks and languages.

2. Digital Marketing training

This is aimed at sensitizing trainees on social media usage best practices, and how to create digital content for different platforms

3. How nonprogrammers can integrate WordPress and Joomla to run on their platforms

The target is to teach the non-programmer community who have their websites to be able to intergrate wordpress or any other relevant tools into their website.

4. Business financing

This is aimed at giving trainees knowledge on how to build competitive businesses, for example, those who desire to initiate their own startups.

More employment and training opportunities:

Not retake also intends to train and employ writers to add to its team.
The writing trainings will include:- Writing proposals, reports, coursework, journals, dissertations. With these skills learned, you can win your self an employment opportunity with the Notretake team.

One of the questions which we asked at the launch was,
What have you put in place to bring together like-minded people?

“We have kept notretake an open team to join.” – the CEO and founder of Notretake, Kakooza Vianne

How to sign up for the Modules or Join the notretake team?

Send your inquiries and interests to join to