A Complete Guide to Buy Airtime Across All Networks In Uganda

Credit: theinsider.ug
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This guide is going to walk you through some simple quick steps on how to buy and load airtime across all networks in Uganda.

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There are several ways you can load airtime with MTN;

When airtime cards were still operating in Uganda, one would get airtime loaded on their phones by buying an airtime card and dialing *130*the code# … but now, the system has changed, you either have to walk to a Mobile money agent and ask them to load airtime on your phone, or you can load directly from MTN Mobile Money.

To load airtime using MTN Mobile Money;

Dial *165*2#

You can also download the MyMTN app on your phone from www.mtn.co.ug/mymtn.

You can now load airtime on your phone or send airtime to another number directly from your Mobile Money account balance.

How to buy Airtime on MTN Uganda

Step 1: Dial *165#

Step 2: Select Buy Airtime

Step 3: Enter Amount in UShs

Step 4: Enter Mobile number

Step 5: To Confirm Enter MM PIN Code

Step 6: You will receive a confirmation message


Buying Airtime Using Mobile Money is FREE of charge.


Share your airtime with any other MTN customer in Uganda, quickly and easily with the MTN Me2U service.

This service allows you to share up to UShs 200,000 airtime directly from one mobile phone to another.

Simply dial *160*6# and follow the on-screen prompts.

After any MTN Me2U transaction, both the sender and the recipient will receive an SMS from MTN confirming the completed transaction.

Note that normal SMS rates apply.

If you have any problems loading the airtime

PayWay Airtime

MTN PayWay Airtime vending machines are conveniently located near markets and shopping malls. to ensure that you always have a convenient way to buy airtime.

Locate any MTN PayWay machine and follow these simple steps

  1. Select ‘MTN Airtime
  2. Enter the amount of airtime you want to buy
  3. Type in the phone number that is receiving the airtime
  4. Pay by slotting in the correct currency note(s)
  5. Select ‘proceed

The airtime will then be automatically credited to the phone number you entered.

ATM Airtime

Whether you’re withdrawing money or just happen to be near an ATM, you can now load up on airtime using your bank’s ATM.

Simply visit your bank’s ATM and then:

  • Insert your bank card into the ATM
  • Enter your PIN and select ‘buy airtime’
  • Select the amount of airtime you wish to buy
  • Enter the number of the mobile phone you want to send the airtime to

The airtime will automatically be sent to the number you nominated, and the cost of the airtime will be deducted from your bank account.

MTN Mobile Money

Load airtime on your phone or send airtime to another number directly from your MTN Mobile Money account balance.

Get started

  • Step 1: Dial*165#
  • Step 2: Select ‘buy airtime’
  • Step 3: Enter amount in UShs
  • Step 4: Enter mobile number
  • Step 5: To confirm enter your MTN Mobile Money PIN code
  • Step 6: You will receive a confirmation message

Buying airtime using MTN Mobile Money is free of charge

MTN Easy Load

With MTN Easy Load, an agent can sell you airtime instantly by sending it directly to your phone.

This service avoids the inconvenience of having to scratch cards, and it allows you to buy any amount of airtime, starting from as little as UShs 50.

Simply ask for the MTN Easy Load option when you visit any MTN store or an MTN agent.

MTN XtraTime

MTN Xtratime service allows customers to borrow an airtime loan when they run out and are not able to purchase more at the time. So when you are unable to recharge at any one time, MTN Xtratime comes to your rescue.

MTN Xtratime has been enhanced by introducing the ability to borrow Voice bundles and Data bundles.

Now, customers who are eligible to borrow, have a choice to borrow any of the following as long as it is within their credit limit.

  • Airtime only
  • A bundle only
  • Airtime and a bundle

Who qualifies to Borrow a Loan?

MTN prepaid customers who fulfill all the following criteria:

  • The customer has been active on the MTN network for the past 90 days.
  • The customer has used a total value of airtime of least UGX 1,800 over the past 30 days.
  • The customer’s number has an airtime balance of less than UGX 500 at the time of requesting MTN XtraTime credit.
  • Prepaid roaming subscribers will have access to the service and will have their next recharge reduced by the amount owed.

Selling Airtime on MTN

To sell airtime using your phone, follow these simple steps;

  1. Dial *140*1#
  2. Select option 1 (Sell Airtime)
  3. Enter customer’s number
  4. Enter Airtime Amount
  5. Enter PIN

To check your stock;

  • Step 1. Dial *140*#
  • Step 2. Select option 5
  • Step 3. Select option 1
  • Step 4. Enter PIN

To buy airtime stock;

  1. Step 1. Dial *165#
  2. Step 2. Select option 2
  3. Step 3. Select option 7
  4. Step 4. Enter Amount to purchase
  5. Step 5. Enter your Mobile Money PIN


Like MTN, Airtel airtime can be accessed by requesting a mobile money agent to load onto your number or buying directly from Airtel Money. you will receive a confirmation SMS from Airtel Money.

3 ways to buy airtime via airtel money. Select any from below mentioned ways:

  1. Own account. 2. Other account. 3. Phonebook.
  1. select airtel on your menu.
  2. select Airtel Money.
  3. select buy airtime.
  4. select own number.
  5. enter the amount.
  6. confirm details entered.

Transferring Airtime from Airtel to Airtel

  1. Go to airtel menu on your phone.
  2. Press airtel services.
  3. Press Me 2 U.
  4. Choose send airtime credit.
  5. load amount.
  6. enter number airtel number click ok.

NB: For all networks, either visit the Mobile Money agent to have airtime loaded onto your number, or buy directly from your Mobile Money wallet if the network offers a mobile money service.