How to Leave/Exit WhatsApp Groups Silently

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WhatsApp Groups are undeniably important however they also come with their own piles of negatives that make you think of tapping the Exit Group button. Since you don’t want to keep a trail of your departure, you could choose to contemplate tapping the Exit button. I hear you and I am part of the gang. Nevertheless, WhatsApp read in-between the lines of its 2 billion daily users and introduced a new feature that allows Group participants to leave the group silently. Ooh YES, you can leave a WhatsApp group without leaving a trail for other participants to know that you threw in the towel.

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Previously, if you made the decision to leave a group, all group members would be notified by WhatsApp. WhatsApp sends a precise notification pop-up in the chat that says “XXX Left”, where XXX is the name of the contact who left the group. Immediately, other participants would be interested in wanting to know the basis of your departure. The bold ones will direct message you to make your rethink your decision and the aggressive group admins will forcefully add you to the group. In summary, the who procedure is excruciating, that’s why you can opt to leave a WhatsApp Group silently.

How to Leave/Exit WhatsApp Groups Silently

Now that you arraigned your mind towards exiting the WhatsApp Group without giving a hint to the Group Spiers, there are a few things to have in place before you proceed with the step-by-step guide. Fortunately, this feature is available for both IOS and Android Updated WhatsApp versions. Here you go;

Step 1: Start WhatsApp on your device.

Step 2: Next, open the group chat that would like to exit.

Step 3: Now tap on the group name at the top of the screen to launch group settings if you are using an iPhone. If you are using an Android phone, tap on the More menu option then select Group Settings.

How to Leave/Exit WhatsApp Groups

Step 4: Once the group settings have been displayed, scroll down and select Exit group. You will be prompted to confirm your exit decision, once again tap on Exit Group. That’s it you will have left the WhatsApp group silently. WhatsApp will still send a group exit notification which will be visible to only the WhatsApp Group admins.

How Does the “Leave WhatsApp Group Silently” Feature Work?

For sure the newly enrolled privacy feature allows you to leave any WhatsApp Group silently however, it does not offer full immunity on the same cause. In short, people will eventually get to know that you left the group. Unlike before when all group members received a notification that a group member has exited the WhatsApp group, the exit notification will now only be received by the WhatsApp Group admins. The group admins could still sneer about your exit with other group members or go ahead and add you back into the group. This is avoidable, you can choose who can add you to WhatsApp Groups. Go to WhatsApp Settings>Account>Privacy>Groups>choose who can add you to groups (Everyone, My Contacts, or My Contacts Except).

Keep in mind that if you have been an active group member, you will be dearly missed. That might cause suspicion and motivate group members to go FBI on you. Although WhatsApp does not inform other group participants about your departure, it leaves footprints about your departure for 60 days unclothed. To see who left the WhatsApp Group silently, all you have to do is go to the group description or group settings. The list of past participants will be displayed under the list of active participants.

Wrap-Up: Like earlier explained, the feature will not give you a full mask but will probably protect you from being the center of attention in case you decide to exit a WhatsApp Group. Luckily, if people do not train you within 60 days, your name will disappear from the list of participants, and just like you won’t be noticed.