Quick Guide on How to use Google Photos

Credit: The Verge
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Google photos is a free unlimited mobile storage and sharing service offered by Google that allows for cloud-based storage of photos and videos. It relies on Google’s Image-analysis technology to automatically organize the uploaded photos and video clips making them easy to search, share and even sync. The sync feature allows for uploaded files to be accessible on multiple devices over your single account. Google photos in general provide a way of clustering images and videos into one place. This article focuses on how to get the most out of the features on offer for you to maximize your user experience;

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How to set up google photos

The Google photos app is accessible as free for both Android and iOS devices via the Google play store or Apple app store respectively. Access can also be via the web through photos.google.com over a mobile browser or via PC. To set up, open the downloaded app or website and sign in to your google account. Thereafter, simply follow the prompts to start uploading, viewing, and sharing your photos and videos stored in the cloud. The only catch – have a good internet connection.

Read Also: How to use Google Photos’ Locked Folder feature.

How to navigate the app

Three tabs are available for navigation that is photos, search, and library. The photos feature is the one through which you access your photos, videos (in order of most recent), and memories regardless of what device you use.

The search feature is where you look up your creations i.e. animations and movies, photos by person, places, text, etc. The beauty of this is you do not need to remember the specific details of the photo you are looking for. The library feature is where you find your favorites, albums, archives, and trash.

How to back up and sync

To back up your photos, tap on the account icon in your app> Photos settings> Back up and Sync and turn it on. For iOS devices, select Settings> privacy> Photos> all photos to grant the app access to your photos.

Over the computer, download and install the Google Photos Backup & Sync app, start it and sign in to your Google account. Select ‘Back up photos and videos and click Next. Thereafter, select the folders whose files will be backed up followed by your desired image quality (high/original), and click Start to complete the process. That way, your photos will be automatically backed up as long as they meet googles image size requirements and are synced for access from any device.

Other features of google photos include;

  • Album and movies creation
  • In-app photo and video editing
  • Image sharing