How to use Airtel Money Merchant Paying.

Credit: MTN Twitter
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The whole idea of getting money directly from people( customers) is burdensome, check the cases of catching dirty stained money notes, fraud of fake money notes, and the flex of looking for a change. Honestly, we welcomed the new business model of Airtel Money Merchant paying.

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Airtel Money Merchant paying is a mode of conducting business that permits customers to use Airtel Money to pay for the goods and services offered by the Merchant(businessman). The mode of payment is fast, secure, and instant since the transfer of money from one party to another is done without physically touching the money but always the merchant gets a notification confirming the payment immediately.

Interestingly, merchant paying is not a new thing. Back in the days, it was only limited to the banking sector in the acceptance of cards like Visa, and MasterCard. Recently, Airtel Money Merchant paying was introduced in other sectors like pharmacies, churches, restaurants, petrol stations, and supermarkets not forgetting our local shops.

So, how does a customer use Airtel Money Merchant pay? To initiate a payment, Simply dial *185*9#. Input the merchant ID number, enter the amount of money you intend to pay then lastly confirm your payment using your Airtel money PIN.

Now, how does the merchant get his money? Good enough, after the customers confirm their payments, the merchant gets a notification via SMS with details of the transaction.

Merchants get their funds through banks or an Airtel money agent. With a bank, the merchant can send the money to the bank via the merchant mobile menu on their phones or issue a standing order to Airtel to send money to the preferred bank then the merchant gets their money from the bank.

For agents, merchants dial *185*2# on their merchant phone, enter the amount PIN, and the agent dials *185*3# select merchant Dispersion, enter merchant secret code and enter a PIN.

Airtel Money Merchant paying is safe for buyers to always make payments, and merchants always receive a confirmation to notify them about the amount of money that has been paid by the customers. Feel try to use it as you enjoy the new business world.