How to get Free data using MyMTN App

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If you need to get free data on MTN, you may need to know of this trick. MTN is giving out free data if you download and use the MyMTN app. We did a complete guide & review of the MyMTN app and we recommend you read it if your curious to understand what MyMTN app is.

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The way to get the MTN free internet data is to simply download the app, install it on your smartphone and recommend it to your friends or someone who doesn’t have the app already installed on their phones.

Excited to see how you can do this, below is a brief step by step guide to help you with getting MTN free data by using MyMTN app.

  • Login in to your MyMTN app (if you don’t have the app, you can get one on play store or apple store)
  • Next, tap on the menu icon (the three dashes) on the top right corner
  • Go to Recommend MyMTN and select the option
  • Enter the Phone number of someone you would love to recommend
  • Select Ok to continue recommending the app
  • They’ll receive an SMS notification
get Free data using MyMTN App

200MBs will be loaded on your account when the friends you recommended to the app download & start using it. The more friends or people you recommend the more free data and rewards you get.