How to Get 1 Million Page Views on your Blog in just 5 Simple Steps

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Writing a blog that receives 1 million page views every month is not easy. But it can be done with these five simple steps. How do you get one million page views on your blog in just 5 simple steps?

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Are the million views even worth striving to achieve? Yes! What a million views would mean is that your content is engaging. Adding value to the viewers. Additionally, let’s say, on your page, you have some ads, sponsored content, or maybe affiliate marketing, you would get to earn more from these with a million page views.

Whether you’re just starting out and have only one thousand views or you’ve already surpassed that benchmark and want to take things to the next level. You’ll find plenty of tips and tricks here to achieve your goal of getting 1 million page views.


1. Sharing long-form content consistently

Long-form content is usually articles between 700-2,000 words. This type of content is great for driving traffic to your blog because it provides in-depth information that readers are looking for. Plus, Google loves long-form content and will often rank it higher in search results. It’s well-known that long-form content performs better than short posts.

That’s because readers are more inclined to see it as a real piece of content, and they’re more likely to spend time reading. When it comes down to it, unless you’re thinking long-form, you won’t reap long-form rewards. If you want an audience of devoted readers, you need to give them something meaningful and substantial that they can digest at their own pace.

Consistency is key when it comes to blogging. You need to be posting regularly in order to grow your audience and increase your page views. Plus, if you’re consistent, your readers will know when to expect new content from you, and they’ll be more likely to check back often.

2. Building a Community

Your target market will come from anywhere, but if you want a loyal audience meaning readers who not only read what you write but also share it and engage with it you need to create an interactive environment for them.

You should join all social media platforms that your target audience uses. For example, if you are targeting millennials then you should join Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube because those are the most popular social media platforms for millennials.

If you are targeting teenagers then you should join YouTube and TikTok. Because those are the most popular social media platforms for teenagers (millennials inclusive). With YouTube, it tops the 2022 teen online landscape among the platforms covered in the Center’s new survey. Due to the fact that it is used by 95% of teens. Following on TikTok is on the list of platforms that were asked about in a survey (67%), followed by Instagram and Snapchat, which are both used by about six-in-ten teens – pewresearch.

If they ask questions, answer them. Build a community by encouraging conversation between you and your readers about topics that matter most to them. As you build deeper relationships with them over time, they’ll likely become devoted fans who look forward to seeing what’s new every time they visit your site.

3. Making the Site Speedy

A fast site is a good user experience, which is good for SEO. Plus, Google has stated that speed is a ranking factor. So not only will a fast site help you rank better, but it will also help you get more traffic. Here are six ways to make your site speedy: -Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN). -Optimize your images. -Minimize your HTTP requests. -Use caching. -Minify your CSS and JavaScript files. -Use a faster web host.

4. Using SEO Marketing tool kits

There are many different types of toolkits available, but they all have one goal: to help you get more traffic from search engines. What a lot of people don’t realize is that there are some high-quality free tools that can do this for you. What’s even better is that these tools can be updated in real-time as Google and other major search engines update their algorithms. Examples of such tools include; Ahrefs, SEMRush, KWFinder Etc.

5. Sharing Valuable Resources and Tools

A great way to drive traffic and build a tribe is by sharing valuable resources and tools with those who are already looking for them. When you become known as an expert, people will start coming back to see what else you have up your sleeve. The key here is creating content that people want or need and can’t find elsewhere.

If you try to create your own solutions from scratch, rather than providing resources/tools for others, then no one will be interested in reading your post.


We have covered quite a lot here and there are many other things you can do to grow your organic reach and traffic to get 1 million page views a month. It all comes down to what you want from your site and what kind of audience you are trying to reach.

As with everything, it is not a race; it is a marathon. The main point is just to take action if each day you do something however small to promote yourself or learn more about marketing then by having these daily habits over time they will add up and form into real progress.