How to Fix GOtv Decoder not Responding to GOtv Remote

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What do you do when your GOtv decoder is not responding to the GOTV remote?

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The answer is pretty simple, you should try fixing the error. For the GOTV decoder to respond to key directives, you must use a well-functioning GOTV remote. However, there are a few controllable instances that prevent the two from functioning seamlessly. Here is how you can fix the GOTV decoder not responding to the GOTV remote.


Use the Remote Correctly

The GOTV remote uses infrared (IR) technology which means the remote only works if it is pointed to the GOTV decoder. Therefore ensure that there are no obstructions between the GOTV decoder and the GOTV remote itself.

Change Battery Cells

The remote batteries might have low power so the best thing to do is replace them. However, if you have just replaced the batteries and the issue is consistent, then check if the batteries are in order then attach a rubber band to make them stay in place. After doing this, press any button on the decoder, if everything is well you will see a red light.

Check for Defectiveness

The decoder might have malfunctioned which clearly explains why it is failing to work. So you need to verify if the remote is defective. To do so; point the Gotv remote towards the camera lens (20 cm) while pressing the menu button on the Gotv remote.

If the remote is working correctly, you will see an infrared light flash on your camera. Also, every time you press GOTV remote you will see a green light. This indicates that the issue is with the decoder. Restart the GOTV decoder then try again.

If no light is seen, then the remote is defective.

Replace the Remote

If you have verified that the issue is related to the remote’s defectiveness then the other option will require you to replace the GOTV remote. The GOTV remote price is UGX 14000. This remote works for all GOTV decoders.

Alternatively, you can use the decoder for the time being to change channels, reset the decoder, increase and decrease volume.

Perform an Electric Discharge

This method might seem ridiculous but it works for me every time. All you have to do is remove the battery cells and long-press the power button on your GOTV remote for 1 minute. Then go ahead and press each button on the remote and dust the remote. Put in the battery cells and you will be good to go.

Tide the Transmission Window

If parts around the transmission window are dirty, then most definitely the control keys might not respond as directed. Clean the upper part of the remote near a tiny bulb to avoid the error from happening from time to time.

Reset GOTV decoder

Resetting the decoder might help. Press the power button on the decoder then unplug the decoder. Let it rest for a few minutes, plug it in and power the decoder then wait for the decoder to start without any disruption.