Here’s How you can Quickly Change your Netflix Billing Date

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After 30 days, Netflix will bill you off your credit card account. The billing date corresponds to the day you signed up for your Netflix account or the date you restarted your Netflix membership. For whichever reason, you might consider your current billing date of the month excruciating simply because on that particular date you might not have received the paycheck and other personal reasons. Netflix gives you a choice to change your billing date. Here is how;

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Method 1: Change Netflix Billing Date via Accounts Settings

1. To get started, launch your browser and search for Now sign in to your account.

2. Select your profile. Once the home page loads, click on the dropdown arrow next to your profile picture on the left. From the drop-down menu, select Accounts.

Change Netflix Billing Date via Accounts Settings - UgTechMag.Com

3. On the Accounts page, select “Change Billing Day” under the Membership and Billing section.

4. The “Choose a new Billing day” page will load. You will be able to see your current billing date. Under, the “Your New Billing Day” field click the dropdown arrow and select the billing day of the month. Once you have selected the preferred date, click “Review and Confirm.”

Quick Note: If you change your billing date, you will be charged immediately for the days before the new billing date for example If the billing date is changed from the 1st to the 10th, you will be charged for the first 10 days.

Things to Remember while Changing the Billing Date

Always consider the pointers below before proceeding with changing the billing date. If you are unable to meet these pointers, you might not be able to change the billing date. Let’s have a look at what things you should remember while changing the billing date on Netflix.

  • This method is only applicable if you use a debit/credit card or PayPal for payments.
  • This feature is not available in all countries.
  • You can’t change the billing date on the billing date. It can be before or after the date.
  • Changing the billing date is not possible if your account is on hold.
  • You can’t change the billing date during a free period.
  • Your billing date can be a day before due to time-zone differences.
  • If your billing day comes on a non-repetitive date, like the 31st, it will be charged on the last day of the month.

Method 2: Cancel Membership and Restart Membership on Billing Date

Now if you do not want to pay for the extra days as to method 1 details, you can choose to cancel membership and restart membership on the billing date. I understand the chills this might give you however it is a smart way to get a new billing date. The best part of it all is you will still be able to enjoy your subscription for the remaining days of the current plan even after cancellation. After that, wait for the preferred date to come and restart your membership. Click Here to read how to cancel your Netflix subscription;