How to Apply for KPLC Electricity Connection Online in Kenya

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Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) is one of the leading electricity companies in Kenya that ensures a consistent supply of power in both rural and urban areas. Electricity is becoming a basic requirement in the modern world as it is highly needed for the majority of activities to take place such as lighting purposes and even cooking, that is why KPLC has made the steps to applying for power connection even simpler by diversifying the methods on how you can apply for connection.

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Requirements for KPLC Electricity Connection

Before you head over to the step-by-step guide listed below on how to go about your application, you will need to check through the requirements list for the KPLC connection.

  • Copy of National Identification (I.D) or Passport for Non-Kenyans/ Company Registration Certificates.
  • Copy of your PIN Certificate.
  • Route sketch map leading to premises where supply is required.
  • Copy of title deed and land search documents for ownership of property (to support wayleaves consent).
  • Duly filled Supply Contract form.
  • Wiring Certificates (Submit any time after issuance of application reference number but before construction of the electricity network).

Read Also: How to buy KPLC Tokens via USSD or SMS

How Much Does it Cost to Apply /Connect to KPLC?

The fee for a KPLC connection depends on the power supply type that you choose for your household. Kenya offers two Power Supply types; the Single phase and the Third phase.

The single phase which offers a voltage of about 230 is highly recommended for households while the Third phase which is 2 times more powerful than the former is recommended for machines that require a high voltage of about 415 to operate.

Here is what you have to pay;

  • Single Phase- Ksh 34,980
  • Third Phase- Ksh. 49,080

To Apply for Electricity Connection;

1. Start by navigating to the KPLC site on your browser.

2. Browse to the KPLC Self-service portal on the right and click on Apply here link.

3. The KPLC self-service portal will open in a new tab. Locate and click on the New Supply Application option on the right side of your screen.

4. You will be presented with the KPLC application form. Enter customer data, and choose your preferred Power Supply type (single-phase or Third phase) as required. Also, attach the required documents which are the ownership documents, wiring certificates, and National ID.

5. Tick to accept terms and conditions then click the Send bottom. That’s all, you have successfully applied for KPLC.

What Happens After KPLC application?

Just like in every application phase, there are always successful and unsuccessfully applications. The successful applicants will be emailed with details of their KPLC personnel’s site visit and issuance of an Application Reference Number. Upon the agreed date, KPLC will visit the area for standard verification. Once the household matches the KPLC application requirements and regulations, the household will be verified for KPLC connection. For this to happen, the household owner will have to pay the estimated Kenya power connection fees. Electricity is then connected to your household.

If your application is unsuccessful, do not phase out on-reapplying for KPLC connection.