How to activate Instagram Dark Theme

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You might have seen twitter’s night mode, Instagram Dark theme looks exactly like that. Instagram default bright white layout usually causes some people’s eyes to ache so much while checking out photos. That’s why Instagram Dark theme was made in the first place.

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However, not everyone using Instagram is aware of it, so no worries. I will show you how to activate Instagram Dark Theme in few steps today. But before we proceed, note that this article may be more important to iPhone users than Android users. Android, go to the last section of this article.


Make use of iOS 13’s Native Dark Mode

Instagram silently pushed out support for iOS 13’s new Dark Mode feature, this means that if you want to replace whites with blacks in Instagram while leaving photos untouched, you just need to flip a simple switch. Follow the below steps to complete this task.

  • Update your iPhone to iOS 13 if you haven’t done so already. In addition to that, also update your Instagram to version 114.0 or newer.
  • Swipe to open the Control Center, and long-press on the Brightness slider. At the bottom of the full-screen Brightness controls, you’ll see a new “Dark Mode” switch, tap to toggle it on and you are done.
  • Alternatively, if you want to toggle Dark Mode on and off, add the Dark Mode control to the Control Center via Settings –> Control Center –> Customize Controls.

Use Smart Invert in iOS 11 & iOS 12

  • For those who haven’t updated to iOS 13, Smart Invert is another simple option to go by. Smart invert was included on iPhone since iOS 11 and it is available in the Accessibility settings, in the “Display Accommodations” section. Follow these steps below to change whites to dark.
  • Tap “Invert Colors,” then toggle on Smart Invert. That’s a pretty inconvenient way to go about turning Smart Invert off and on whenever you need it, but you can as well create a shortcut on your Home screen for easy accessibility, with this you can toggle it on and off instantly. You could also add the Accessibility control to the Control Center and use that.

Use the Jailbreak Tweak in iOS 11 & iOS 12

You must have a big heart to jailbreak; therefore if you are that kind and you don’t mind jailbreaking your iPhone, you can as well go for this option. There are stable jailbreaks for both iOS 11and iOS 12. After jailbreaking, Instagram Dark Mode shall be very easy to install and enable. Best of all, there’s no need to install an external repo into Cydia or Sileo to get the tweak. Follow the steps below to get it working.

Install IGDarkMode

  • Hold up your iPhone and open Cydia to get started, then tap on the magnifying glass icon on the lower right to access the search feature.  Type “IGDarkMode” in the search bar, then tap on it once it appears in the results field. When the Details page for IGDarkMode has opened up, tap on “Modify” in the upper right and hit “Install”
  • Once the confirmation prompt appears at the bottom of the screen, tap on “Confirm” in the upper right. The tweak will now be downloaded onto your device, so wait for the process to complete. When that is done, hit “Restart Springboard” to respring your iPhone and finish installing IGDarkMode.

Enable IGDarkMode

  • After the previous step and respringing, you will have to apply the dark theme to your Instagram app by turning the tweak on.
  • To do this, you need to open the Settings app on your iPhone, and tap on “IGDarkMode.” Once inside, simply tap on the toggle next to “Enabled” to turn the tweak on. After that, just go back to the home screen.

Enjoy Dark Mode on Instagram!

Now that you have enabled the IGDarkMode, you’re free to enjoy Instagram as you normally would. This time, however, the app will now have a dark theme, which is a lot more appealing visually but also easier on your eyes thanks to the significant reduction of white and blue light.

Use Android 10’s Dark Mode

There’s also a way for you to apply a dark theme to Instagram if you’re on Android, but there’s a catch. To do so, you’ll need to be running Android 10. Check the link below to see if and when your phone will get the update if it hasn’t already.

Enable the System-Wide Dark Mode Toggle

To get dark mode on Instagram on your Android 10 device, just enable the system-wide dark mode toggle. You can do that from Settings –> Display –> Dark Theme, or you can simply tap the “Dark Theme” toggle in your Quick Settings panel. As soon as you enable the system-wide dark theme, the Instagram app will turn dark, too.


Dark mode is applied throughout the app, so there are no inconsistencies or annoying changes from dark to light themes as you navigate and interact with friends and loved ones on Instagram. In all, having this enabled is highly recommended, especially if you’re a heavy Instagram user, to give your eyes a break.