Get the Answers to your Top questions about Cryptocurrency

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You’ve heard of cryptocurrency, but you don’t know much about it yet. You know that it’s a hot topic right now and you want to learn more about it, but you don’t have time to sift through the countless crypto articles and social media posts out there. Don’t worry we’ve got your back! Here are answers to your top questions about cryptocurrency in the shortest, most concise way possible, so you can stay on top of the hottest trend in the world today.

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What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. Cryptocurrencies are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to purchase goods and services.

What are the top cryptocurrencies? 

As of early January 2021, the total cryptocurrency market was worth over one trillion dollars, and Bitcoin was worth about $700 billion. In fact, there are more than 7,800 cryptocurrencies in existence and growing. The top five, with more than 80 percent of the market value, are Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Tether, and Litecoin.

How does one buy bitcoin?

Buying bitcoin is easier than you might think. Several popular websites allow users to buy bitcoins using their credit card or bank account. Coinbase, one of these websites, makes it easy to exchange dollars and euros for bitcoins.

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Is there a limitation on investing?

The answer depends on what you mean by limitation. If you’re talking about an investment fund, then yes. There are regulations on how much money can be contributed each year and over what time period. But that doesn’t mean people can’t invest beyond those limits. You could do it all at once or spread it out over a few months. You might also choose to invest in different cryptocurrencies because there’s no limit on that either.

What is the best available cryptocurrency?

One of the best ways to get started in cryptocurrencies is to find an established coin. This can give you a place for a home base, and make it easier for you to get involved in an exciting new market. There are several great cryptos that are easy for beginners to get into for example Bitcoin (BTC): When most people hear about cryptocurrencies, their first thought goes to bitcoin.

After all, it’s been around longer than any other alternative cryptocurrency. That’s not all that makes it special though; BTC also has a number of features that separate it from its competitors and help support its ever-increasing value.

ALSO READ: What Is a Crypto Wallet?

How can one convert cryptocurrency into physical money?

If you have any amount of cryptocurrencies, chances are you’re probably familiar with how to convert them into cash. However, it is not always possible or practical for everyone. Some companies only pay out in digital currency and some people may not want their employers or landlords to know that they possess cryptocurrency. So how does one go about converting cryptocurrencies into a format that can be used in stores or exchanged for physical cash? There are many trustable sites online that offer these services, all you have to do is research!

What role does a token play?

Tokens are used for a number of different things on blockchain networks. Some examples include: Tether is a crypto token that represents fiat currency on Omni, which is a peer-to-peer digital asset platform built on Ethereum. Ether, the platform’s cryptocurrency can be stored as tokens and swapped for other cryptocurrencies or paid directly with fiat currency, like U.S. dollars or Euros.

In short, it acts as an intermediary between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies on exchanges where cryptocurrency traders trade their tokens and convert them back into cash they can then put in their bank accounts.

What are the trusted platforms to buy, trade, and exchange cryptocurrencies?

There are many platforms out there that allow you to buy, trade, and exchange cryptocurrencies. However, not all of them are created equal. It’s important to do your research to find a platform that is trustworthy and has a good reputation. Here are a few of the most trusted platforms: Coinbase allows you to buy bitcoins with a credit card as well as store your digital currency on their site; Gemini is another popular bitcoin exchange that deals in both US dollars and bitcoin; Bittrex provides 24/7 trading on over 190 different types of cryptocurrency pairs; Poloniex If you’re looking for more obscure coins, then Poloniex might be the place for you.

Are cryptocurrencies always volatile?

Yes most of the time, therefore research and investigation are essential before you decide to invest in any digital coin.

ALSO READ: Crypto mining and how it hurts your PC

Why should one research before investing?

If you haven’t done any research on cryptocurrency and want to invest in it, you may not be making a good decision. As with anything else, there are good investments and bad investments. No matter how much excitement or money is behind a certain cryptocurrency, it won’t make it worth investing in if there isn’t a future for that coin. If you are thinking of investing in something that is brand new, research what has happened with similar coins before so you can decide whether or not an investment is likely worth it.