Here is how you can Get Free Minutes on Mtn Uganda

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Now and then, MTN will offer you free data if you download their apps. However, free voice bundle offers are rare. In this post, we break down two ways to get free minutes on MTN Uganda.

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How to Get Free Minutes on Mtn Uganda

MTN subscribers will earn free minutes on their birthdays and by redeeming MTN Senkyu points.

Subscribe to MTN Senkyu Points

MTN will reward you with points every time you use their services. Thereafter you can choose to redeem the points to get minutes. To join the service;

  • Dial *141# and the OK.
  • Select option 1, Join now. A message to confirm sign up will pop up on your phone.

After subscribing to this service, you can now redeem points for minutes.

  1. Dial *141#.
  2. Select Option 1 Use Points
  3. From the list, choose Minutes.
  4. You will see the worth value of your Senkyu points redeemable in minutes. If it works for you, enter and confirm amount of points to spend. However there is the “Enter number” option that gives the user a chance to take charge of their point expenditure.
  5. Confirm with Yes to redeem points. In a few micro seconds, your Points will be exchanged for the offer and topped up to your Account.

Read Also: MTN Senkyu Points, All You Need To Know

Birth Day Celebrations

If you are a subscriber, then you have received this offer before. MTN celebrates your birthday by sending you Happy Birthday wishes via SMS and offering you a token of appreciation. This comes in two categories; free minutes and MTN Senkyu points. The birthdate is considered as per sim card registration details. If you are using a number registered with someone’s NIN, find out when they celebrate their birthdays. However, if you have more than one MTN line under the same NIN, the offer will randomly appear on any of the lines.