How To Factory Reset Galaxy Tab 4

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This is a simple How to in case you want to quickly hard reset (also called factory reset) your Galaxy Tab 4. This won’t even take you more than 5 minutes and you’re done.

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The hard reset of the Galaxy Tab 4 is usually done when you have forgotten your password and cannot get into the device.



Power off your tablet. Ensure that it is completely off.


You then hold the volume up key + home button + power button all at the same time.


The screen will display the ANDROID and Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 logos, remove all the fingers simultaneously.

This can be called the recovery booting mode, for those who enjoy technical language.

Factory Reset Galaxy Tab 4

Wait a little bit until the next display is as the one in STEP FOUR.


The device will black out for a second and the display interface will be like the one below.

Scroll down with the volume down button upto the option of “wipe data/factory reset”.

Confirm with the power button

When you click on that option, the next interface will be as below. Scroll down to “Yes – delete all user data” and click the power button to confirm


The data erasing process will start, and below is how the interface will look. This can take a few seconds basing on the junk loaded on your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4


After the whole erasing process is complete, your device will have lost all old data.

The interface will go back to this.

Press the power button to reboot system and your Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 will be as good as new.

NOTE: The pictures used in this blog were obtained from this YouTube video. Watch it for also an understanding of the soft reset.