This is how you can enable dark mode in WhatsApp

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With a number of companies creating dark modes for their applications, WhatsApp is picking on the trend.

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Earlier this year, WhatsApp released an update that included new features like who can add you to groups, call waiting where you can choose to accept an incoming call while still on another call.

Later WhatsApp rolled out the dark mode feature to its beta testers and it’s expected to be out very soon.

Previously the impatient users couldn’t wait for this, so they were risking their information by using WhatsApp mods.

Well, that age is gone.

If you want to get a feel of the WhatsApp dark mode then you’ll have to update your WhatsApp Messenger to the latest version on Google Playstore. And the feature is available on both the standard WhatsApp Messenger and WhatsApp Business.

But before you go any further with updating to the latest version of WhatsApp, you need to backup your current data like chat history in your WhatsApp.

How to backup WhatsApp data

  1. Open WhatsApp
  1. Click on the WhatsApp menu and tap on Settings
  1. Choose Chats from the list and on the next page click on Chat backup located at the bottom
  1. Click Backup and wait for the data to be backed up successfully
backing up whatsapp data

Having trouble with backing up?

How to enable WhatsApp dark mode

  1. Open WhatsApp after installation
  1. Click on the WhatsApp menu and tap on Settings
  1. Select Chats from the list
  1. Tap on Theme and choose the Dark theme