How to disable startup programs on windows 10

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Windows 10 being the latest release of Microsoft, It came with many new features and applications. Some of these programs are by default loaded as the computer is booting. This is, on one hand, an advantage and then a disadvantage on the other hand. The good side of it is that ;

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  1. Loading these particular programs after the computer boots will take a shorter time.
  2. Windows takes note of programs that are essential for the system security that you don’t always have to remember to start them after the booting process. Examples of such programs are antivirus software and backup services.

The bad side of windows booting with programs is that it slows down the booting process as all the startup programs should first get ready for use before completing the process. Yet some of these programs may not be necessary for you.


The following steps describe how to disable startup programs on Windows

Open the task manager

how to disable startup programs windows 10

Do this by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Delete keys which will display the task manager instantly.

Another way to open the task manager is to move the pointer to the windows logo, in most cases the bottom left corner of the screen and the right click. From the options menu, click on task manager.

Disable unnecessary startup programs

If the task manager window is not extended as the one shown below, click on more details, this will display an extended window. Navigate to the startup tab and you will be able to view all the start-up programs.

To disable a program, select the program and right-click then click on disable. Note that some of the programs are disabled by default, You can use the status tab to see whether the program is enabled or disabled.

Note: Make sure you don’t disable essential programs like the antivirus and backup services as they are essential for the computer.