Cleaning Your MacBook: Here are the Dos and Don’ts

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All laptops need cleaning from time to time, but the MacBook can be especially tricky because of its delicate design and Apple’s specific recommendations regarding cleaning products. This article will explain what you should do and what you should not do when cleaning your MacBook so that it stays in good shape and continues working well for many years to come.

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DON’T clean it with soap or water

The chemicals in these products can be harmful to your computer, making it a bit more vulnerable to breakage. Instead, use a microfiber cloth or damp sponge with just water to clean your screen. You can also purchase cleaning products designed specifically for computers. But if you don’t have any lying around, you’re fine without them.

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DON’T spray liquid directly on your laptop

Using a liquid cleaner is dangerous because it can short out your system, just like pouring water on an electrical outlet. Even if you don’t see any outward signs of damage, it could wreak havoc on your hardware. What’s more, liquids are harder to clean up than solids.

Don’t use paper towels/rags

These can leave behind tiny pieces of paper that get stuck in your computer. It may seem small, but little things like that add up over time. Instead, buy a microfiber cloth or a washcloth for cleaning purposes. They won’t leave any debris behind!

Don’t use chemical sprays in case they leave residue

While microfiber cloths might seem like a bit of an overkill for cleaning your Mac, they’re better than a lot of alternatives. Many people think that all-purpose cleaners can do a good job, but chemicals in all-purpose cleaners like vinegar can damage your computer. While there’s no guarantee, microfiber cloths are soft enough to minimize scratches on your screen, plus you don’t need to worry about harsh chemicals or residue that might cause damage. One note: While you should use microfiber cloths for cleaning most of your Mac, it’s not necessary for both sides of each panel. Use separate cloths for each side if possible so as not to transfer any dust or debris from one side to another.

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Do use compressed air

If you want to really get into your machine, try using compressed air. This is a common household item used to clean out all kinds of nooks and crannies. Find it at your local hardware store; don’t use it on electronics, though. It could harm your computer if you use it incorrectly. Compressed air can help remove dust and other grime that accumulates in small spaces of your laptop. If there’s too much residue built up, compressed air will take care of it.

Do keep liquids away from your device

A damp laptop creates a risk of corrosion and can cause permanent damage to the hardware. Apple recommends against using alcohol or ammonia-based cleaners on your device, so make sure you don’t use those if you want to maintain your warranty.

Do unplug your computer before cleaning it

This seems like a no-brainer, but you wouldn’t believe how many people forget to do it. You should always unplug your laptop before you clean it or disassemble it in any way. There’s an easy reason that laptops contain small lithium batteries, which can be very dangerous if punctured. To avoid accidents, plug your laptop into an outlet after you have finished cleaning or servicing it. That way, the battery won’t get drained while you aren’t using your computer anyway.

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Do use microfiber cloths

The best thing to clean your screen with is a microfiber cloth. They gently remove dust and fingerprints without scratching or leaving lint behind. If you’ve got a white screen, you might want to use a blue one, since many screens come with an anti-glare coating that’s easily removed when cleaning. You can pick up an inexpensive pack of microfiber cloths just about anywhere. Just make sure they’re compatible with your laptop before purchasing them.

Conclusion: Getting into the habit of cleaning your laptop can have a number of benefits. It will not only make your laptop look brand new, but also improve its performance. Maintaining it regularly is easier than you think! Make sure to remember these steps when cleaning your device next time.