How to Know you have Been Blocked On Twitter

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Have you ever tried to visit someone’s Twitter profile or send them a direct message, only to find that you can’t access their content or communicate with them? If so, it’s possible that you have been blocked by that user.

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There are a few different ways to tell if you have been blocked on Twitter:


1. Check the User’s Profile

Wondering why you do not see Tweets from a particular Tweep on your feeds? Well, there are three possible reasons, they could have paused tweeting for a while or made their account private, or blocked you from seeing their Tweets. Let’s check if you were just blocked. Search for the Twitter account and launch profile. The answer is right in front of you. Twitter will not hesitate to let you know that you were blocked. In this instance, the blocked notification will be displayed in bold letters where you expected to find Tweets.

The interesting fact is that when someone blocks you on Twitter, you still get to see their username, account name, banner image, and profile picture unlike on Telegram. The follow button, tweets, retweets, and bio won’t be available.

How to Know you have Been Blocked On

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2. Try to Follow the Account

Maybe the notification from Twitter was not bold enough for you or you think you are in some sort of unimaginable nightmare scam. Well, we could double-check if you are blocked by using the power of the follow button. I guess you already know that you can follow any account on Twitter. Cool, Right? However, some accounts have built huge walls that bounder you from following them.

When someone blocks you, they halt you from viewing tweets and following them. Want to bet on it? Hit that Follow button. If you have been blocked, you will get an error notification that says, “Blocked. Cannot follow this user at this time. Please try again later.

3. Send a Direct Message

If you have been blocked, you will not be able to send the user a direct message. When you try to send a message, you will see an error notification saying “This message could not be sent because this user is not following you.”

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4. Mention the User in a Tweet:

If you have been blocked, you will not be able to mention the user in a tweet or see their tweets in your mentioned timeline. When you try to mention them, you will see an error message saying “This action could not be completed because this user is not following you.”

If you think you may have been blocked by someone on Twitter, there is no way to directly contact the user to ask them to unblock you. Instead, you may want to try reaching out to the user through a different social media platform or by sending them an email. If you believe that you have been wrongly blocked, you can also try reaching out to Twitter’s support team for assistance.