Best Free Password Managers To Use In 2024

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With the rise of various types of cybercrime, it’s crucial to stay safe online and use strong passwords to protect your sensitive information, including bank accounts, credit cards, and other personal data. One way to accomplish this task is by using password managers, which are applications that store all your account passwords in one place so you can log into websites without having to memorize them all or write them down on a piece of paper or in an app that might get hacked or otherwise compromised. Here are some of the best free password managers to use in 2024.

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Best Free Password Managers To Use  - UgTechMag.Com
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With over 30 million users, RoboForm is one of the most popular password management tools available today. It comes in a freeware and premium version; if you want a more powerful tool with more features, RoboForm Everywhere is for you. Both versions offer robust web-form filling capabilities. They also include a secure digital vault, which lets you store all your passwords and other sensitive data behind a master password. If you’re worried about losing your passwords or being hacked, RoboForm will take care of them for you and keep them safe from cybercriminals. And since it works on any platform, you can easily access your accounts on multiple devices.

RoboForm is completely free and easy to use. You can create logins for websites, save credit card information, auto-fill forms with just one click and generate strong passwords that are unique for each site you visit. And since it stores everything locally on your computer or device, there’s no risk of getting hacked or leaving a trail when using public Wi-Fi networks.

ALSO READ: A Beginner’s guide to using LastPass password manager

Avira Password Manager

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Passwords grant access to our personal information so, unfortunately, we all need them if we want to log in to an online account. But who can remember all of their passwords? Let alone updated versions of those passwords? That’s where Avira Password Manager comes in. It is one of many ways people can manage their passwords today; it’s free but powerful too.

You can store your credentials in a secure location that you control and sync them across multiple devices. You don’t have to rely on any third-party service or company to keep your login details safe either. If you’re looking for an easy way to protect your passwords or just trying to make sure you don’t forget any login details then Avira Password Manager might be worth checking out!


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The LastPass extension is available for all major browsers and as a standalone application, making it an easy way to access passwords across multiple devices. It supports both credit card info and two-factor authentication codes, syncing them seamlessly across platforms. While it’s not as easy or secure as using a physical keychain, LastPass does offer one of the best features: Family Vaults.

These allow you to share passwords with family members without sharing your login information or having them fumble through your settings. On top of that, LastPass has solid cross-platform support; however, its mobile offering isn’t quite on par with what’s available for desktop users. Still, if you have a lot of passwords to manage, it’s worth giving LastPass a try.


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1Password still uses its secure format to store your passwords and doesn’t sync anything with iCloud or other software, and there have been no compromises made to its security or privacy. With both a Windows desktop app and mobile apps it offers support for practically every platform imaginable; plus it supports an unlimited number of vaults, so you can keep them organized however you want. It also includes browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. It also has a unique feature called Watchtower that scans websites and alerts you if any of your accounts are at risk due to recent data breaches.

ALSO READ: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Security


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Password manager Dashlane provides users with a secure and convenient way to manage passwords across multiple devices. You can synchronize your passwords across your desktop, laptop, smartphone, and tablet via its mobile app. With one master password, you can access all of your passwords wherever you are. The program’s fingerprint-protection feature makes it even more secure. It saves passwords securely so that no one else can see them but you.

When you have your login credentials stored in Dashlane, you no longer need to worry about weak or duplicate passwords being hacked the program will automatically create strong ones for all of your accounts. It even alerts you if a website has been compromised so that you can change your credentials as soon as possible to protect yourself from fraud or identity theft.

In addition to storing passwords, Dashlane also helps you generate new ones by suggesting combinations based on your previous passwords. And should you forget any of these unique logins, Dashlane allows you to quickly recover them by using an email address or phone number associated with each account. The password manager is completely free and available on both Android and iOS devices. For Macs, there is a premium version that comes with additional features such as automated form filling and multi-factor authentication support.


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It allows you to create unique logins for every site and then store them in an encrypted database so only you can see them. It also syncs between devices so no matter where you are or what device you’re on, your login information will be there when you need it. Another bonus: Keeper uses two-factor authentication to make sure no one else can get into your account even if they know your username and password


Given the growing cyber threats, there is no better time to get yourself good password managers than today. It is important that you safeguard your digital assets so as to avoid the risk of losing your valuable information. Feel free to keep this information somewhere for future reference in the event that it is not applicable now.