6 Ways of Communication Customers Prefer Most

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It’s not always the case that someone will simply see a product or service and buy it on the spot. Potential customers usually make some research to ensure they have found the best make and price available. Not every question may be answered on a company’s website. The individual will then either go elsewhere for business or contact the company in search of answers.

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Even during the order process and once the goods or services have been received, there may still be questions. With the stunning advancement in modern technology, customers have many avenues they can use to contact businesses and get their issues resolved. This article will set out six major options for most customers.


SMS messaging

One survey revealed that in the United Kingdom, 93% of people possess a mobile phone. For a global picture, imagine 9 billion phone connections currently being used.

Whilst the option of SMS messaging may not be the first that springs to mind, it is certainly the way of the future. One survey found that 14% of people prefer it as a means of communication. Statistics confirm how incredibly often people check their phones, and according to the experts from messente texts are often the top priority. Customers enjoy the speed and directness of being notified of bookings or payments by text. Businesses also use SMS messaging for marketing campaigns and sending PIN codes.


Some email responses to questions can be confusing at least, and ambiguous at best. Sometimes an answer can create another question. Whilst businesses frequently say there are answers to all our queries online, the reality is that sometimes there is no substitute for speaking to someone – and that’s the beauty of using the telephone. Customers are free to ask whatever springs to mind at that moment, and can often gain an immediate resolution to their issues too.

Technological advances have entered the telephone process too, and it’s possible to speak to voice-activated software to get answers, or even make payments without actually talking to a human. Many business consultants suggest to have a Second phone line for business purposes as it helps to keep your work-related calls and messages separate from private ones.


The popularity of email was in question a few years ago when other communication options became available. Interestingly it has made a significant resurgence in recent years. One survey said 63% of people prefer email. Customers like to be able to contact businesses at any time of the day or night, and this puts email ahead of phone lines that don’t stay open 24/7. Smartphones enable people to send and receive emails wherever they are, too. Email marketing has a significantly high success rate, and even more so if there is video content included. AI is able to help businesses make each email personalized for the customers’ personal preferences as well.


Chat options are found on some business websites. It is like speaking to someone but using text rather than voice. Customers or potential customers are enabled to communicate with someone in real-time and obtain answers there and then about their E-commerce-related inquiries or payments. The public enjoys the immediate response that outstrips being held in a queue on the phone. AI also has a contribution to make here, in that preset questions can be selected in the chatbox, and the person can then receive a standard response. It’s like an interactive FAQ page online.

Social media

According to a Nielson report, 50% of customers use social media contact when lodging questions, compliments, or complaints. A survey revealed that one-third of people preferred social media over other alternatives.

Businesses can use such sites as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to consistently publish quality posts. The hook is to provide answers to the needs and questions that the public has. The more engaging the post, the more likely people are to respond online or buy something.


There will always be a place for salespeople and company representatives to make a personal visit. It respects such people as the elderly and housebound, or those who don’t get on with phones and technology. There is an added opportunity for potential customers to see, handle, and test products before buying. If this personal approach extends to after-service as well, it can be a valuable business tool.

Whilst it may seem daunting for any business to be up and running on so many different channels, there are financial benefits to be had. Each option is like a fishing line designed to capture a different type of fish. The stark reality is that companies who avoid social media or modern technology risk falling behind their competitors. Science marches on at a fast rate, and businesses need to harness every new innovation in order to support their growth.