10 Essential Terms that Every Internet User Should Know

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This post contains 10 essential terms that every internet user should know. Every field has its own essential terms that are used more often. In this case, when you are exposed to the internet field, it is important to know the most commonly used terms. Such that you easily understand them whenever you encounter them.

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The deep web:

Search engines crawl the web for the most relevant information for you. Some commonly used search engines are Google, Microsft’s Bing, and Yahoo search engine. When someone fails to find what they are looking for on the internet, you can tell them, “try using a different search engine.”

The dark web:

The dark web is a section of the deep web with websites on the internet that can only be accessed through the use of specific software. Such websites are not recommended by Google’s search engine or Bing’s and are not indexed. You will not access the dark web using Chrome or Bing search engine. This is because the websites on the dark web are usually felon, abominable or unsafe to visit. Some dark web search engines include; duckduckgo, hiddenwiki, etc. Keep in mind that it is not safe to use the dark web.


This is just a website that posts regular content updates for visitors. These can be simple spots where one person posts their thoughts using a free service, or complex websites with teams of authors, similar to an online magazine.

Fourthly, e-mail:

This is the electronic transmission of messages and files over the internet using email addresses. Emails are used a lot in business environments for communication and sharing files. Some examples of email services are; Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, and others. When you send someone an email, you can tell them, “I emailed it to you a few moments back.”

Then, social media:

Social media refers to the online platforms that enable you to share photos, text, videos, etc with others as well as see what is also happening in their lives. For instance, you may be familiar with TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, the most popular social media platforms as of now.

Next, clickbait:

This is a term for content formed or titled in a way that tempts users into clicking it. Most of the time, clickbait titles use sensational language and promise something amazing if the reader clicks through. It can also draw out one-sentence pieces of information into an entire article, like in the tweet above.


Chances are, you have seen this error more often than not. This 404 means that the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist. Usually, you’ll see this when you click a link to a page that’s no longer available or enter an incorrect address into your browser.


Phishing refers to the use of fake websites or email messages to trick people into disclosing sensitive information, such as passwords or financial information.


Short for “malicious software,” this refers to any software that is designed to harm or exploit computer systems. Examples include viruses, worms, and Trojans.

Lastly, encryption:

This refers to the process of converting data into a secure, encoded format to protect it from unauthorized access. An example can be setting up login credentials with an encrypted password with a combination of characters, symbols and numbers.